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Updated: August 25, 2024

Calling attention to the Abb<e'> Bautain's little book on extemporaneous speaking, as the best treatise on the subject I had ever seen, I reminded my students that these famous lectures of Guizot, which had opened a new epoch in modern historical investigation and instruction, were given, as regards phrasing, extemporaneously, but that, as regards matter, they were carefully prepared beforehand, having what Bautain calls a ``self- developing order''; and I stated that I would allow any member of my class who might volunteer for the purpose to give, in his own phrasing, the substance of an entire lecture.

All advances towards reason and good sense are slow and gradual. Abbas, p. 202. But lest the kingdom should be weakened by this demolition of the fortresses, the king fixed an assize of arms, by which all his subjects were obliged to put themselves in a situation for defending themselves and the realm. Abb. p. 305 Annal.

Appeals to the pope were indeed permitted by that treaty; but as the king was also permitted to exact reasonable securities from the parties, and might stretch his demands on this head as far as he pleased, he had it virtually in his power to prevent the pope from reaping any advantage by this seeming concession. Benedict. Abb. p. 34. Hoveden, p. 529. Diceto, p 560. Chron.

Pascal himself, the reigning pope, was, in the course of this very controversy concerning investitures, involved in circumstances and necessitated to follow a conduct, which would have drawn disgrace and ruin on any temporal prince that had been so unfortunate as to fall into a like situation. W. Malmes. p. 170. Chron. Abb. St. Petri de Burgo, p. 63. Sim. W. Malm. p. 163. Sim.

"But, Bob, I haven't told you my business " "I'll hear it later, old fellow dear old fellow I think a heap of you, old Abb. But I must go now " "No, you mustn't. Before you go into that house, we must have a little talk. We can't talk here people are coming and going " "I don't want to talk here, bless you! I want to go in that house. My business is private and pressing."

William even plundered the monasteries. Flor. Wigorn. p. 636. Chron. Abb. St. Petri de Burgo, p. 48. M. Paris, p. 5. Sim. Dun. p. 200. Diceto, p. 482. Brompton, p. 967. Knyghton, p. 2344. Alur. Beverl. p. 130. We are told by Ingulf, that Ivo de Taillebois plundered the monastery of Croyland of a great part of its land, and no redress could be obtained.

Henry sent for Eleanor his queen, the heiress of Guienne, and required Richard to deliver up to her the dominion of these territories; which the prince, either dreading an insurrection of the Gascons in her favour, or retaining some sense of duty towards her, readily performed; and he peaceably returned to his father's court. Abb. p. 451 Chron.

Henry made the cause be examined before his great council, and gave a sentence, which was submitted to by both parties. Bened. Abb. p. 172. Diceto, p. 597. The reign of Henry was remarkable also for an innovation which was afterwards carried farther by his successors, and was attended with the most important consequences.

There are an immensity of petty usages at the dinner table, such as those mentioned in the story of the Abb, Delille and the Abb, Cossen in the Introduction to this volume, which it would be trifling and tedious to enumerate hers, and which will be learned by an observing man after assisting at two or three dinners.

Did I not hearken to your instructions, who told me that these charities were, of all others, the most grateful to my Maker, and fixed a perpetual fund for the support of religion? And are all our pious endeavours now frustrated by the dissolute lives of the priests? Brompton, p. 864. Flor. Wigorn. p. 606. Chron. Abb. St. Spell.

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