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Updated: August 18, 2024

But when Moosetooth, not speaking, but pointing with a grunt to a dark object scrambling up the rocky shelf on the other side of the river and the boys made out a bear, Roy sprang for his new twenty-two. "Nothin' doin'," called Norman in a low tone. "That's where we need the .303 and of course that's knocked down." "Well, what's the use anyway?" retorted Roy, resuming his seat.

302 Thy sunshine smiles upon the winter days of my heart, never doubting of its spring flowers. 303 God kisses the finite in his love and man the infinite. 304 Thou crossest desert lands of barren years to reach the moment of fulfilment. 305 God's silence ripens man's thoughts into speech. 306 Thou wilt find, Eternal Traveller, marks of thy footsteps across my songs.

"There's another thirty-eight automatic in my kit at the corral. Bring that, and the .303 with the gold-bead sight and plenty of ammunition. You'd better take that forty-four hip-cannon of yours along, as well as your rifle. Wish I could civilize you, Mac, so you'd carry one of the Savage automatics instead of that old brain-storm of fifty years ago!"

Seleucus Nicator, who had inherited the Asiatic possessions of Alexander and wished to assert his authority, came into collision with Candragupta but was completely worsted and about 303 B.C. concluded a treaty by which he ceded the districts of Kabul, Herat and Kandahar.

The Secretary of the Treasury estimates that the receipts for the current fiscal year will aggregate $580,000,000 and the expenditures $500,000,000, leaving an excess of revenues over expenditures of $80,000,000. The present condition of the Treasury is one of undoubted strength. The available cash balance November 30 was $139,303,794.50.

His keen, shrewd eyes twinkling, and a broad smile shortening his long, lean face till its great Roman nose and pointed chin were hobnobbing sociably together, the best hunter and guide on the Gatineau sat pouring boiling water through the barrel and into the innermost holy of holies of the intricate lock mechanism of his .303 Winchester to dry it out and prevent rusting from the wetting it had received in the bush.

During this period £358, 7s. 3d. was expended on the circulation of tracts, and 303,098 tracts and little books were circulated. I was permitted to send out more tracts than during the whole of the previous ten years taken together.

Of funded loan of 1881 37,194,450.00 Of loan of 1858 303,000.00 Of loan of February, 1861 1,000.00 Of five-twenties of 1862 2,100.00 Of five-twenties of 1864 7,400.00 Of five-twenties of 1865 6,500.00 Of ten-forties of 1864 254,550.00 Of consols of 1865 86,450.00 Of consols of 1867 408,250.00 Of consols of 1868 141,400.00 Of Oregon War debt 675,250.00

But the late Macleod built a bridge over the stream, and the present laird is executing an entrance suitable to the character of this remarkable fortalice, by making a portal between two advanced towers, and an outer court, from which he proposes to throw a draw-bridge over to the high rock in front of the castle. Lockhart's Scott, ed. 1839, iv. 303.

Thereupon the reorganization committee agreed that if said petition was withdrawn and the sale allowed to proceed on the 16th of February, 1898, they would bid a sum at the sale which would realize to the Government the entire principal of its debt, $6,303,000.

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