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Over his shoulder he was saying to her: "Sea-trout and grilse don't belong to Isla, but they come occasionally, Lady Yellow-hair." "Like you and I, Kay we don't belong here but we come." "Where the McKay is, the Key of the World lies hidden in his sporran," he laughed back at her over his shoulder where the clan plaid fluttered above the cairngorm. "Oh, the modesty of this young man!

"I did not suppose you could ever really care for such a man as I am," he remarked without the slightest bitterness or appeal in his voice. "But I'm glad you let me tell you how it is with me. ... It always was that way, Yellow-hair, from the first moment you came into the hospital. I fell in love then." "Oh, you couldn't have "

He had never heard her whine, had never seen her falter save from sheer physical weariness. "We'll win through, Yellow-hair," he said, looking steadily into her clear brown-gold eyes. "Of course. You are so wonderful, Kay." "That is the most wonderful thing in the world, Evelyn to hear you tell me such a thing!" "Don't you know I think so?" "I can't believe it after what you know of me " "Kay!"

This Scotland is no strange land to good Americans. It's a bonnie, sweet, clean bit of earth made by God out of the same batch he used for our own world of the West. Oh, Yellow-hair, I mind the first day I ever saw Scotland.

After a long and immobile silence he dropped to his knees, remained so listening, then crept across the Pulpit's ferny floor. Of a sudden he sprang up and fired full into a man's face; and struck the distorted visage with doubled fist, hurling it below, crashing down through the bracken. After a stunned interval Miss Erith saw him wiping that hand on the herbage. "Kay?" "Yes, Yellow-hair."

"Kay, I adore them! ... Are you tired? ... Our time is short-our day of sunshine. I want to drink in all of it I can ... before we " "Certainly. Shall we walk to Strathnaver, Lady Yellow-hair?" "If it please my lord." "Now?" "In the cool of the afternoon. Don't you want to be lazy with me in your quaint old garden for an hour or two?" "I'll send out two steamer-chairs, Yellow-hair."

"Can you see your wrist-watch?" "Yes. It's after midnight." The girl prayed silently for dawn. The man, grim, alert, awaited events, clutching his partly emptied pistols. He had not yet told her that they were partly empty. He did not know whether to tell her. After a while he made up his mind. "Yellow-hair?" "Yes, dear Kay."

It runs to a point five miles farther east, overlooking impassable gulfs.... We should be in a cul-de-sac, Yellow-hair." "I know." He mused for a few moments, cool, clear-eyed, apparently quite undisturbed by their present peril and intent only on the mission which had brought them here, and how to execute it before their unseen trackers executed them.