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"Yis; but de great consolation I has is dat de peepil I'm talkin' to don't onderstand me a mossel better nor myself; an', ob course, as noting in de wurl could show dem dey was wrong, it don't much matter." "That is good philosophy, at all events. Isn't it, Manuela?" asked Lawrence in Spanish.

In Brittany he was bleizgarou and denvleiz, formed respectively from bleiz, wolf, and den, man; garou is merely a distorted form of wer or vere, man and loup. In later French the word became waroul, whence the Scotch wrout, wurl, and worlin.

I ash you as may wurl I ash you as may man of world, is that is that proper way address me? Me! Know who I am? I'm Tom Ball. 'S who I am. I kill lick em man ill Logan Coun'y. Ai' thasso? Hay? 'S aw ri. Mfi choose stay up there, aw thas sec aw thas second floor and rescue fel-cizzen's propprop'ty from devouring em from devouring emlement, thas my bizless. Ai' tham my bizless, Charley?

An' there's another lot of half pious folks in the wurl it 'ud help kind o' sissy pious folks that jus' do manage to miss all the fun in the world an' jus' are mean enough to ketch hell in the nex'. Get religion, but don't get the sissy kind. So I am for tellin' it about old man Galloway jus' as he was. "You orter heard him swear, Bud it was part of his religion.

An' yuh know," he proceeded, slowly, "hit done me lots o' good, Mistah Brown, des to heah huh. Ahm a silen' man, an' ah doan laff much, but ah liked hit in Hannah, ah suttinly did mighty well. Hit des made dis mo'nful ole wurl' seem a chee'ful place hit did indeed." Brown said nothing. There was nothing in his mind that quite fitted the occasion.

"`Manuela, says he, quite bold-like, `I promised your fadder dat I would not make any 'tempt to meet you before leabing for de mountains, an' I hab fait'fully striben to keep dat promise. It is by mere chance, I assure you, dat I hab meet you here now, and I would not, for all de wurl' break my word to your fadder.