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An' at daylight I went up to the stable while he was sleepin', an' the dog-gone fool hadn't cleaned the saddle marks from their backs. Now, if you're feeling like bearin' a hand in lagging this black son-of-a I'm with you fair an' square. We won't shake hands, for good reasons, but your word'll go with me." "Nothing would suit me better." Tresler was struggling to fathom the man's object. "Good.

"It's jest this, Sam," replied the woman: "Yer tuk me, tellin' me ye'd love me an' honor me an' pertect me. You mean to say, now, yev done it? I'm a-dyin', Sam I hain't got no favors to ask of nobody, an' I'm tellin' the truth, not knowin' what word'll be my last." "Then tell a feller where the killin' came in, Mary, for heaven's sake," said the unhappy Sam.

"The little book's beginning to do great things. He wants to restore the book, and make amends to Jane, does the butler; but he's been such a rogue, he's obliged to take himself away into foreign parts somewhere. But I don't doubt but what he'll come right in the end; the Word'll not let him alone till it's brought him to the foot of the cross.

Amen." Billy's hand, rapidly growing cold, reached for that of Mose, and he said, with considerable effort: "Mose, yer came in ez handy as a nugget in a gone-up claim. God bless yer, Mose. I feel better inside. Ef I get through the clouds, an' hev a livin' chance to say a word to them as is the chiefs dar, thet word'll be fur you, Mose.

"You can ask this man what he knows about any spotted hide over by Squaw Butte," he invited the Douglas stiffly. "He's practically a stranger to the outfit been here about a month. Maybe his word'll be worth something to yuh I dunno. You can ask him." Douglas rode over to Cheyenne and said what he had to say.

I'm one of his men and if he was to pull off a bank robbery I calc'late I'd be in on that there performance too, I'm tellin' you! Luck don't go no whars ner do nothin' that I AIN'T in on. "I've had some considerable experience as shurf myself, if you'll take the trouble to recolleck; and I calc'late my word'll go about as fur as the next.