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"Yes," he said, "you'll have to go in there; you're needed." The woman looked at him in startled questioning. "Mars De Willerby," she said, "does dat ar mean she's cl'ar gone?" "Yes," answered Tom. "She's gone, Mornin." With the emotional readiness of her race, the comfortable creature burst into weeping, clasping the child to her broad bosom.

The child stirred in Tom's arms and uttered its first sharp little cry, and as if in answer to the summons, Aunt Mornin opened the door. "It's all done," she said. "Gib me de chile, Mars De Willerby, and go in an' look at her." When he entered the little square living room, Tom paused at the foot of the bed. All was straight and neat and cold.

As he entered she turned sharply towards him. "Don't nobody keer nothin' for this yere?" she said, "ain't nobody comin' nigh? Whar's he? Don't he take no int'rus' in the pore little lonesome child? I 'spect yo'll haf to take it ye'self, Mars' De Willerby, while I goes in dar." Tom stopped short, stricken with a pang of remorse. He looked down at the small face helplessly.

On February 20, 1915, the British ship Willerby was overtaken and nearly sank the Prinz Eitel Friedrich before being boarded. As the German ship passed across the stern of the other at a short distance the British captain, knowing that the end of his own ship was near, decided to take his captor down with him. He tried to ram the German ship with the stern of his ship, but failed in the attempt.

"Have you come down with him from London?" "No, sir I am a clerk at Willerby & Hargreaves' in Norcaster," replied the messenger. "Carfax and Spillington are our London agents. Mr. Carfax and some other gentlemen came down from town first thing this morning, and Mr. Carfax got me to bring you that note."

Then such a cataract of obscenity and invective from Price and Mosey, while Cooper remarked gravely: "Them ain't our bullocks, Willerby; them's station cattle shoved in that paddick for something partic'lar. An' that kangaroo dog ain't makin' matters much better. And, to be sure, there was Pup looping himself along the plain in hot pursuit.