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There were two more books lying on the top of the case. The leather bindings were scuffed and one was scored clear across the back, yet they had been handsome, undoubtedly treasured. Drew turned them up to read the scrolled gold titles on their spines. "History of the Conquest of Mexico, The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo ... Where’d these come from, Mister Stein?"

Jack produced a roll of bills and settled for the refreshments. Then they all started down stairs as Aunt Mary wouldn’t risk an elevator going down. "It’s all right comin’ up," she said, "but if it broke when you were going down where’d you be?" "In the elevator," said Clover. "I’d never jump, I know that." "Oh, I’ve left my ear-trumpet," said Aunt Mary. "Let’s draw lots to see who goes back?"

Didn’t thare used to be a spring ’tween here’n town?” “Goodness sakes! Randy! Where’d you come from? Water! Jes’ help yourself. There’s the bucket jes’ from the spring five minutes since, an’ there’s the gourd hanging up on the wall. I can’t get up, I’m that busy. Twelve to dinner to-day, an’ only me to do the cookin’. ’Melia she’s got to be upstairs helpin’ at the bar.”

I can understand some roughhousing on his partStevens, tooproviding these boys were on the prod in the beginning. But this book business was too deliberate. "Where’d these come from anyway, Kirby?" Drew retailed the story he had heard from Stein. Nye walked over to look at the display of reading matter, his interest plainly aroused. "Lutterfield brought ’em in, eh?

Where’d you get that color?” A flush like that of a pink sweet-pea blossom had begun to show in Maida’s cheek. It was faint but it was permanent. “Why, you’re the worst fraud on my list. If you keep on like this, young woman, I shan’t have any excuse for calling. You’ve done fine, Granny.” Granny looked, as Dr. Pierce afterwards said, “as tickled as Punch.” “How do you like shop-keeping?” Dr.