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He halted in front of his cherished Joan; with the utmost coolness and deliberation unhooked the painting from its nail, and placing it carefully, and with the air of a workman, upon his shoulder, stalked away with his precious burden. Imagine the consternation of Herr Wechsel upon the discovery of his loss.

It certainly does appear surprising that Herr Wechsel did not close in with the offer at once; perhaps he really had an affection for his picture; perhaps he thought to improve the bargain; or, more probably, looking upon his strange customer as so undoubtedly mad, as to entertain serious fears as to his ever receiving the money. Certain it is, that he respectfully declined to sell.

But big houses like Wechsel, Baum & Miller and Frederick Stettermann won't sell him at any terms, Mawruss." "If everybody was so conservative like Wechsel, Baum & Miller," said Morris, "the retailers might as well go out of business." "Wait a bit, Mawruss," Abe replied. "That ain't all.

She had lost none of her charms, and he stood with arms folded upon his breast, entranced for awhile before the figure of the valiant maiden. “Herr Wechsel,” said he abruptly, as he entered the shop; “Le Comte de Barbebiche has ceded his claim to me. I repeat my offer for your Joan of Arcdecide at once, for I am in a hurry.”

“A Frenchman!” shouted Milor. “From Paris, your grace.” “Will you sell me your Joan of Arc?” was the furious demand. “I will cover it with pounds sterling twice over.” “Le Comte de Barbebiche—” “You have promised it to him?” “Yes!” gasped Herr Wechsel, catching at the idea. “Enough!” cried the English nobleman; and he strode into the street.

These involuntary confidences fill me with a tender piety and a religious awe and shyness. The whole experience seems to me as wonderful as poetry, and divine with the divineness of birth and dawn. Speech fails me, I bow myself and adore. And, whenever I am able, I strive also to console and fortify. December 6, 1870. "Dauer im Wechsel" "Persistence in change."