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It was a very fine and beautiful web, and the merchant made a very good bargain when he gave her twenty guineas for her shawl. She ran on amazed and flurried with her riches to Darton's shop, in St. Paul's Churchyard, and there purchased the Parents' Assistant and the Sandford and Merton Georgy longed for, and got into the coach there with her parcel, and went home exulting.

Where once solitude had reigned supreme and the spider had spun his web amid the fast-gathering dust, all was now tumultuous activity. Fifteen busy operators in eye shades and shirt sleeves took the news hot from the humming wires and clicked it off to the waiting pool rooms. "Scarecrow wins by a neck!" cried one, "Blackbird second!"

My bonds are cut, my debts are paid, my door has been opened, I go everywhere. They crouch in their corner and weave their web of pale hours, they count their coins sitting in the dust and call me back. But my sword is forged, my armour is put on, my horse is eager to run. I shall win my kingdom. It was only the other day that I came to your earth, naked and nameless, with a wailing cry.

So they buckled to; and to most of them it seemed good game to play at vine-dressing. But one there was who, when his scarlet cloak was off, stood up in a doublet of glorious Persian web of gold and silk, such as men make not now, worth a hundred florins the Bremen ell.

There was now no Mrs. Ruston, no Harriet, no plausible physician to keep them away from her. Rose had a smile of tender pity for the memory of the girl who had struggled so ineffectually and yet with such heart-breaking earnestness to break the filaments of the web they'd spun around her. No, it wouldn't be like that now.

But his religion had been powerless to keep him from falling into subtle temptations, and into a crime so heinous in the sight of his fellow-men that it was only to be expiated by the loss of character, the loss of liberty, and the loss of every honorable man's esteem. The web had been closely and cunningly woven, and now he was fast bound in it, with no way of escape.

It is the old story of the tangled web; Miss Travers had no idea of doing anything irregular. She simply did as thousands of others do, though I must say boys are usually the victims. A girl rarely takes such chances." Dorothy was too surprised to speak. They were near the post-office, and both stood in the road to finish the conversation. "How can I help her?" asked Dorothy simply.

Her eyes were dragged to the terror and the danger. So Ally reasoned in her Paradise. For when Rowcliffe was once gone her brain was frantically busy. It never gave her any rest. From the one stuff of its dreams it span an endless shining thread; from the one thread it wove an endless web of visions. From nothing at all it built up drama after drama.

He had scarcely done so when a man came from the upper warehouse, a room whence silk both warp and woof was given out to the workpeople to be wound on bobbins or spread into the web before it was fixed in the loom.

But the unravelling this mysterious web of thought and feeling is alone in the Muse's gift, namely, in the power of that trembling sensibility which is awake to every change and every modification of its ever-varying impressions, that Thrills in each nerve, and lives along the line.