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Besides stimulating the interest of those who take part, such a debate is a most effective educator of the public mind in matters of social weal. HENDERSON: Social Elements, pages 228-253. KING: Social Aspects of Education, pages 65-97, 264-290. WARD: The Social Center, pages 212-251. WOLFE: The Lodging House Problem, pages 109-114.

And now the day was come, and that ceremony that was to unite two loving hearts for weal or woe, which was to seal their fortunes in one bond, was to be performed in the little old church, quietly and unostentatiously, by Dominie Payson, for it had been settled after some reluctance on the part of Mrs.

It was noticed that a very pious man, who was in the habit of addressing the two following words to all whom he met, "Peace and weal, Peace and weal!" was not seen in Assisi after Francis began to preach; as if he wished it to be understood that his mission had ended by the presence of him whose precursor he was.

His sandals are girt on his tender feet, And he carries his scrip for what gifts he may. What will you give to him, Fate Divine? What for his scrip on the winding road? A crown for his head, or a laurel wreath? A sword to wield, or is gold his load? What will you give him for weal or woe? What for the journey through day and night?

Let attachment to Charles seduce nobody, and let hatred towards the duke distract nobody, from the common interest. . . . Give us then, for our head, the duke, who has deeds, nobility, and troops to recommend him; the duke, in whom ye will find a defender not only of the common weal, but also of your private interests. Thanks to his benevolence, ye will have in him a father.

In the one case a man lies dead-alive four generations mummified in ignorance and sloth and that qualifies him to command live people, and take their weal and woe into his impotent hands; and in the other case, a man lies bedded with death and worms four generations, and that qualifies him for office in the celestial camp. Does the king's grace approve of this strange law?"

In this gift, shines contemplation, that is, as S. Austen says "A ghostly death of fleshly affection through the joy of a raised thought." Strength is; enduring to fulfil good purpose, that it be not left, neither for weal nor for woe.

There had always before proved to be something more behind, but now he felt that what he should now set out upon would be decisive; if he was victorious now, he would conquer eternity. This time it must be either for weal or woe, and all that he possessed he was now bringing into the field. He had never before been so heavily equipped.

This effect was the dim reverberating tinkle as of some far-off bell hung who should say where? in the depths of the house, of the past, of that mystical other world that might have flourished for him had he not, for weal or woe, abandoned it.

Savonarola thundered against the extravagance, moral riot and pomp of the rich and this meant the Medici, and all those who fed at the public trough, and prided themselves on their patriotism. Lorenzo grew uneasy, and sent requests that the preacher moderate his tone in the interests of public weal. Savonarola sent back words that were unbecoming in one addressing a ruler.