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The strain of the last few minutes he had passed at Waynefleet's ranch had left him dazed, and part of his numbness, at least, was due to weariness. Several times he was almost flung from the saddle as the horse scrambled down a slope of rock.

She sat still, looking about her dreamily, very dainty almost ethereal, he thought in that silvery light, and it was so long since he had talked confidentially to a woman of her kind, attired as became her station. Laura Waynefleet's hands, as he remembered, were hard and sometimes red, and the stamp of care was plain on her; but it was very different with Violet Hamilton.

"I believe that Gordon and I can arrange that the boys do not hear of your recent action, and though you will take no further part in our affairs, you will stay on at the ranch. I may mention that I have just bought up your mortgage." A flush of anger showed in Waynefleet's cheeks. "Is it in any way your business where I live?" he asked.

"It's quite likely you'll get that contract if you apply for it. The folks about the settlement haven't sent an offer in," he said. "The notion is naturally Miss Waynefleet's. It's the kind of thing that would appeal to her, and, in a way, it's fortunate you have fallen into her hands. She's one of the protesters." "The protesters?"

Nasmyth, one has to put up with a good deal in this country. It is in many respects a barbarous land." Nasmyth saw the faint flush in Laura Waynefleet's face, and said nothing. He fancied that he knew the establishment in Victoria to which Waynefleet referred, but it was not one which he had ever visited, or which the smaller Bush-ranchers usually frequented.

There was consternation in Waynefleet's face, but he straightened himself with an effort. "I suppose you have brought this man, Mr. Nasmyth, and I scarcely think it is quite what one would have expected from you at least, until you had afforded me the opportunity of offering you an explanation," he blustered. "Can you offer me one that any sensible man would listen to?" Nasmyth asked sharply.

If it hadn't been for you, I should certainly not have taken this thing up, and now I want to feel that you are anxious for our success." A faint flush of colour crept into Laura Waynefleet's face. For one thing, Nasmyth's marriage to the dark-eyed girl whom Gordon had described to her depended on the success of this venture, and that was a fact which had its effect on her.

Then they went down the hillside and back to the settlement, where Nasmyth harnessed the team, which the rancher who lived near occasionally placed at Waynefleet's disposal, to a dilapidated waggon. When she gathered the reins up, Laura smiled down on him. "After all," she reminded him, "you will remember that I expect you to do me credit."

By that time you'll find it easy, and you can go on an hour or two in the afternoon. Nobody round here will recognize you, if you keep it up for the next three months." Waynefleet's thin face grew red, but Gordon's imperturbable demeanour restrained him from betraying his indignation. "You don't understand that I couldn't swing an axe for five minutes together," he objected.