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"In advance?" "Yes." "Jump in, then and get out your money fifty-five noumias while I push through these howling water-dogs." By the time the boat was clear of the pack, truly enough the passenger was with the fare in hand. "Look," she said, "here is a bezant." At sight of the gold piece, the man's countenance darkened, and he stopped rowing. "I can't change that.

Water-dogs are most subject to this affection, owing, no doubt, to the frequent afflux of blood to these parts, while the remainder of the body is immersed in the water.

Before I had time to call them back, these two Arab water-dogs were up to their necks in the river, screaming out directions to each other while they were feeling for the body of the monster with their feet.

All kinds of sea fish and fowl take refuge in this bay and the interminable reedy marshes, and for a few weeks in the snipe-and duck-season sportsmen from New York find their way to "Shattuck's" and the houses of other old water-dogs along the bay. But during the rest of the year the wooden shed and its occupants are left to the companionship of the sea and the winds.

These beds of coal grew in the air, and, although the swamps where they were formed had very little animal life in them, we find some fossils which tell us that the life of the land was making great progress; there are new insects, including beetles, cockroaches, spiders, and scorpions, and, what is far more important, there are some air-breathing, back-boned animals, akin to the salamanders and water-dogs of the present day.

Through the opening he stretched out his little lips and I bent mine down. "Is it still raining outside, papa?" "It will soon be over." "Already, I am so comfortable inside you." How all this stays in your heart. It is perhaps silly to relate these little joys, but how sweet it is to recall them. We reached home as muddy as two water-dogs and we were well scolded.

The best piece of Macintyre is an ode to Ben Dourain, or the Hill of the Water-dogs a mountain in the Highlands. The master-piece of Buchanan is his La Breitheanas or Day of Judgment, which is equal in merit, or nearly so, to the Cywydd y Farn, or Judgment Day of your own immortal Gronwy Owen.

If other arms proved less available, they were attached by the fierce taunts and invectives of their often invisible foes who reviled them as water-dogs, fetching and carrying for a master who despised them; as mercenaries who coined their blood for gold, and were employed by tyrants for the basest uses.

The dog was of a dingy red colour, and the slut black. They were not large; their hair was short, but very thick coated; they had dew claws. Both attained great reputation as water-dogs. They were most sagacious in everything, particularly so in all duties connected with duck-shooting.

All water-dogs, and some others, are subject to a disease designated by this name, and which, in fact, is inflammation of the integumental lining of the inside of the ear. When the whole of the body, except the head and ears, is surrounded by cold water, there will be an unusual determination of blood to those parts, and consequent distension of the vessels and a predisposition to inflammation.