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At first he was upset to find from the tracks that the man was a wild Musgrave black, but as soon as he came to the place where the warragul had set up his spear, he smiled and felt no more anxiety, for it is a sign of perfect goodwill towards a man to dig a spear in his track. As soon as Yarloo knew that the stranger native was friendly, he went over to the shelter.

But, leading to and from the hiding-place, were the recent tracks of a man's bare feet. Stobart recognized them at once. The warragul doctor had thrown those horseshoes. Arrkroo, the Hater The native doctor fled, like the evil black spirit that he was, up the valley.

Mick looked at the naked man for a moment, and then asked: "Is he any good?" "Yah. Him bin good fella," replied Poona eagerly. "Him bin ride like blazes. Him work one time longa Eridunda," mentioning a famous station farther north. This was not true. The warragul black had never worked on a station in his life and knew very little of the ways of white men.

In fact, everybody was pleased to "knock off", both because they were thoroughly tired, and more especially because Mick's cruelty to the warragul had caused an unpleasant feeling to take the place of the former spirit of hearty good fellowship.

It was a strange position for a white man to be in, and if Stobart had not had a stout heart he would have given way to despair, and either "gone bush" entirely, as some white men have done, and become a full member of the warragul tribe, or he would have committed suicide. But Boss Stobart did not give up hope.

In his zeal to save his master's life, the faithful boy had gone a little too far, for the warragul tribe decided that they must keep such a marvellous man with them at all costs, and that his presence would be sure to bring them plenty of the good things of life water, tucker, and healthy children.

They were three warragul blacks, who had crept out into the plain and had used this wonderful but quite common method of concealment. Mick fired into the air to frighten them and any of their companions who might be lurking near.

The warragul knew enough about white men to understand that sudden death could spit out of that little barrel which Mick held in his hand, and if there had been any doubt in his mind as to what he ought to do, it was dispelled by the shouts of warning of the other blacks.

The poor faithful workers, some of whom had been the drover's companions for several years, were cold and stiff, showing that they must have been killed early the night before. The tracks of bare native feet made it clear that, after completing their acts of cold-blooded murder for it was nothing less the warragul blacks had crept towards the drover's camp.

A camp-horse is a horse which has been especially trained for cutting out cattle on a cattle-camp. Working on the face of the camp means taking cattle which have been cut out from the man who is doing this particular job, and driving them away to the second mob. The Branded Warragul By noon the cattle were in two mobs, clean-skins and branded.