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In the course of the night he sang his well-known songs, 'The Deserter, 'The Shan Van Voght, 'The Little Pig under the Bed, and 'The Vale of Avoca. The evening was a great triumph for him it ended. All triumphs and all evenings end.

There visited there, at one time or another, Madame Récamier and Madame Krüdner; Benjamin Constant, who was so long Madame de Staël's lover; Bonstetten, the Voltairean philosopher; Frederika Brun, the Danish artist; Sismondi, the historian; Werner, the German poet; Karl Ritter, the German geographer; Baron de Voght; Monti, the Italian poet: Madame Vigée Le Brun; Cuvier; and Oelenschlaeger.

Even from its lofty minarets the philosopher may summon the faithful to prayer, and the priest and the sage may exchange altars without the compromise of faith or of knowledge. Infidelity has shifted the battlefield from metaphysics to physics, from idealism and rationalism to positivism or rank materialism; and in order to combat it successfully, in order to build up an imperishable system of Christian teleology, it is necessary that you should thoroughly acquaint yourself with the 'natural sciences, with dynamics, and all the so-called 'inherent forces of nature, or what Humboldt terms 'primordial necessity. This apotheosis of dirt, by such men as Moleschott, Buchner, and Voght, is the real Antaeus which, though continually over-thrown, springs from mother earth with renewed vigor, and after a little while some Hercules of science will lift the boaster in his inexorable arms and crush him."

If you met Father Nugent " "But I don't mean them only," said Christian, standing to her guns; "I mean the individual you and me! Just anybody we're all the same. The Shan van Voght has got to free us from each other before she takes on England!"

She then walks in her salon, holding in her hand a little green branch; and her words have an ardor quite peculiar to her; it is impossible to interrupt her. At these times she produces on one the effect of an improvisation." And here is a still more graphic description, taken from a letter written to Madame Récamier by Baron de Voght: "It is to you that I owe my most amiable reception at Coppet.

Larry rolled over and came into play again, sitting bolt upright; "I'm a Home Ruler!" "Don't be absurd," said Christian, tranquilly. "I'm not the least absurd," returned Larry. "I mean it. If not a Republican!" he added, ostentatiously, and began to chant: "And Ireland shall be free, From the centre to the sea, And huzza for Libertee, Says the Shan Van Voght!"

The prelude was rather longer than usual, and as Radna played it Arnold heard running through it, as it were, echoes of all the patriotic songs of Europe from "Scots Wha Hae" and "The Shan van Voght" to the forbidden Polish National Hymn and the Swiss Republican song, which is known in England as "God Save the Queen."

Can ye play, 'Who fears to talk of Nointy-eight? the 'Shan Van Voght? or the 'Dirge of Ollam Fodhlah?" "Who's this mad chap that Titmarsh has brought?" I heard Master Bacon exclaim to Master Perkins. "Look! how frightened Fanny looks!"