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The "jollies," having recovered from their fright, were ready to pull down their barracks and rebuild them at a short distance only from the vent-hole, the surgeon assuring them that they would be better off than their shipmates in the winter season, by having warm ground under their feet.

The Indians, marcifully, niver came to look for us. In truth, while they were hunting about down came the building on their heads, and we could hear their shrieks and cries as they tried to scramble out from among the flames. If it had not been for a small vent-hole far away up in a corner, we should have been suffocated, maybe.

The prisoners gave no sign of life. A voice cried: "There's no one there!" And another soldier crossed the open space before the dangerous vent-hole. Then this hazardous sport developed into a game. Every minute a man ran swiftly from one side to the other, like a boy playing baseball, kicking up the snow behind him as he ran.

Marianna had been by no means inattentive to the whispering and murmuring of the two girls, nor had she failed to notice the vent-hole, and so the way to a mutual exchange of communications was soon opened and made use of. Whenever old Capuzzi takes his afternoon nap the girls gossip away to their heart's content.

The column of steam, for Adair saw that it was not smoke, continued to ascend. "There must be some volcanic agency at work," observed Desmond; "and I am not surprised at the fellows being frightened when it burst out suddenly in their midst." "We'll examine it, at all events," said Adair. "If there's a vent-hole, I don't suppose we need apprehend any danger."

Then, nerving himself to the effort, he set off at a little, waddling gait, which shook his fat paunch and made the whole detachment laugh till they cried. "Bravo, bravo, Maloison!" they shouted for his encouragement. He had accomplished about two-thirds of his journey when a long, crimson flame shot forth from the vent-hole.

The prisoners gave no sign of life. A voice cried: "There's no one there!" And another soldier crossed the open space before the dangerous vent-hole. Then this hazardous sport developed into a game. Every minute a man ran swiftly from one side to the other, like a boy playing baseball, kicking up the snow behind him as he ran.

The day was beginning to dawn, the day of his Passion, of our Redemption, and a faint ray penetrating the narrow vent-hole of the prison, fell upon the holy and immaculate Lamb, who had taken upon himself the sins of the world.

Our arms became entangled in the effort of swimming; we choked; we fought in the dark water; already we could hardly breathe the dark air above the dark water, the air which escaped, which we could hear escaping through some vent-hole or other. "Oh, let us turn and turn and turn until we find the air hole and then glue our mouths to it!" But I lost my strength; I tried to lay hold of the walls!

I've caught a look in his eyes, when he's been down on his hands and knees, staring into some infernal vent-hole a look that is well, uncanny, as if he were peering into the bowels of the earth for something quite outside the conceptions of science. You might think that volcano had worked some spell over him, turned his mind. He prattles to it or storms at it as if it were a living creature.