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Her eyes, from which the heavy veils of sadness were now withdrawn, cast joyful glances over the immense, shouting crowds of people approaching the palace, at whose head she joyfully recognized her husband, the king, wearing an expression of cheerfulness which for a time she had not seen on his face. When the king caught sight of his wife, he hastened to remove his hat and salute her.

Morning coolness was succeeded by the blaze of midday, when the very surface of the ground danced in the shimmer; then slowly the shadows crept out, the veils of mirage sank to earth, a coolness wandered in from some blessed region; darkness came suddenly; over the parched hill now looming mysterious in black garments the tropic stars blazed out. Then outside some one lighted a fire.

How well she remembered the days when she had refused to allow her husband to paint her youthful body! If youth and beauty would but come back to her, she would recklessly cast off all her veils, would stand in the middle of the studio as arrogantly as a bacchante, crying, "Paint!

One day, when the prince was with Ebn Thaher, there came a lady mounted on a piebald mule, surrounded by six women-slaves, who accompanied her on foot, all very handsome, as far as could be judged by their air, and through the veils which covered their faces.

This is the Sun that shineth in the heaven of Thy will and the splendor of which the veils of the workers of iniquity and the doubts of the evil doers can never cloud.

Beginning with the veils, the eye of authority was next turned on what was under them. In 1675 it was decided, that, as the Indians had done much harm of late, and the Deity was evidently displeased with something, the General Court should publish a list of the evils of the time.

Wilfrid's convent, who pass through the formality in a calm, easy, finished manner, and then hurry along, some with veils down and others with veils up, to a side sitting they have. There is no religious shoddy amongst these persons.

They had high hats, and little black veils drawn very tightly over their faces, and long riding-habits made in the princess form, with a single seam right down the back; and a woman must be awfully well made to wear a riding-habit like that, because you see, Monsieur l'Abbe, with a habit of that cut no deception is possible." For some moments the Cure had not been listening to Paul's discourse.

They are generally fair, particularly the women, who all even to the peasant women protect their complexions from the sun with fans and veils, as only the stately gentlewomen do in Germany and the Netherlands.

You can't burn, and that should make you more charitable. And I tie myself up in veils and umbrellas, which is absurd. Besides, what does it matter? You see, it is different with most of us; Miss Rose is so good-looking that she can afford herself these little luxuries." "That is a matter of opinion," replied Miss Layard. "Oh! I don't think so; at least, the opinion is all one way.