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As the Queen-mother's malady grew worse, the Court left Saint Germain to be nearer the experts and the Val-de-Grace, where the princess frequently practised her devotions with members of the religious sisterhood that she had founded. Suddenly the cancer dried up, and the head physician declared that the Queen was lost.

As he had been gentle and polite to his friends, they did not desert him. But he ever afterwards remained in obscurity. On account of this death the theatres were closed for eight days. On Saturday, the 22nd of July, the heart of Madame la Duchesse de Berry was taken to the Val-de-Grace. On Sunday, the 23rd of July, her body was carried in an eight-horse coach to Saint-Denis.

Each century has its Saint-Peter's of Rome; in the seventeenth century, the Val-de-Grace; in the eighteenth, Sainte-Genevieve. Each country has its Saint-Peter's of Rome. London has one; Petersburg has another; Paris has two or three. The insignificant testament, the last dotage of a decrepit grand art falling back into infancy before it dies.

The princes and princesses were of her way of thinking, and the procession advanced only to the limits aforesaid. When the time came for taking the Sacred Heart to Val-de-Grace with the funeral procession, Mademoiselle, in a long mourning cloak, said to the Archbishop before everybody, "Pray, monsieur, put the Sacred Heart in the best place, and sit you close beside it.

I had to keep a book, which was shown every day to a sergeant who came from the Val-de-Grace military hospital, giving all details as to how many men came into our ambulance, how many died, and how many recovered and left. Paris was in a state of siege; no one could go far outside the walls, and no news from outside could be received. The Germans were not, however, round the gates of the city.

The small gallery at Versailles had been intrusted to Mignard. Lebrun withdrew to Montmorency, where he died in 1690, jealous of Mignard at the end as he had been of Lesueur at the outset of his life. Mignard became first painter to the king. He painted the ceiling of Val-de-Grace, which was celebrated by Moliere; but it was as a painter of portraits that he excelled in France.

On January 10, Madame Guerard and I were sitting up at night, on one of the lounges in the green-room, awaiting the dismal cry of "Ambulance!" There had been a fierce affray at Clamart, and we knew there would be many wounded. I was telling her of my fear that the bombs which had already reached the Museum, the Sorbonne, the Salpetriere, the Val-de-Grace, &c., would fall on the Odeon.

That impeachment had already taken place! "What news?" shouted a student to a workman, as he hurried along. "There has been fighting in the Faubourg St. Marceau; half a dozen Municipal Guards have been carried wounded to the hospital of Val-de-Grace and a captain was killed."

In fact, the sins of the King could only throw his confessor into relief and add to his merit. Mademoiselle de Fontanges. The Pavilions of the Garden of Flora. Rapid Triumph of the Favourite. Her Retreat to Val-de-grace. Her Death. Madame de Maintenon was already forty-four years old, and appeared to be only thirty.

A year or two after the war, I engaged one of these very men he was called Saad as a servant, and he proved most devoted and attentive; but he had contracted the germs of pulmonary disease during that cruel winter of 1870-71, and at the end of a few months I had to take him to the Val-de-Grace military hospital in Paris, where he died of galloping consumption.