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"I'll I'll show you a trick or two yet!" He stopped, circled, dodged the clutching hands, feinted with a tactic long unthought of, and broke into a straight, resistless dash for the posts. As he ran, he yelled: "Smash them and break through! . ....." All his waning strength upgathered for that run. Yet how strangely tired he felt how heavy the ball was growing! What was the matter with his head?

He knew the crossing; had made it with one sort of a team and another many times in his life. But he had never seen it so swollen and threatening and he had never heard its hissing sound upgathered into such a booming roar as now greeted them. He stopped his team and looked from under drawn brows at the water. "You'd better get out," he said shortly. "But I won't!" she retorted hurriedly.

The Sea that bares her bosom to the moon, The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are upgathered now like sleeping flowers, For this, for everything, we are out of tune. Sometimes; not always, thank God!

Your little fool is waiting for you, I suppose," she sneered at him. Dropping her head to her upgathered knees, her body rocking stormily, moaning a little, she broke off. Drennen rose to his feet. "I'll go," he said. "Shall I send some one to you?" When she didn't answer he turned away from her. He had done all that he could do.

With suddenness the fog parted, was upgathered with swiftness by the great golden sun. That lifted curtain revealed a very great and martial picture, War in a moment of vastness and grandeur, epic, sublime.

Upgathered and rolled away, like storm-winds from the sea, they had left a shining and a festal wave for love to venture on. Let him only yield himself feel the full swell of the divine force! He moved to the window, and looked out. Birch! What on earth brought that creature to Beechcote.

For in the stages of wider consciousness beyond this transient physical phase he saw all loved ones joined and safe, as separate words upgathered each to each in the parent sentence that explains them, the sentence in the paragraph, the paragraph in the whole grand story all achieved and so at length into the eternal library of God that consummates the whole.

Unluckily the Miss Minetts' hasty and watery withdrawal, with upgathered skirts, across the causeway had appealed to Damaris' sense of comedy rather than of tragedy. She didn't want to be unkind, but you shouldn't interfere; and if you insisted on interfering you must accept whatever followed. The two ladies in question were richly addicted to interfering she had reason to think.

A second foraging party, under guidance of the boy, brought into the larder of the gentry half a dozen noble melons, golden within and without. The woman whispered to the child, and the latter ran to the cabin, filled her upgathered skirts with the loaves of her mother's baking, and came back to the group upon the knoll beneath the sugar-tree.

To-night she had thrilled to an ecstasy descending from the stars, welling up in her own heart, and she had shivered with fear and had dropped with weariness akin to despair. Now suddenly all emotions were upgathered into searing anger. Her thought was: "He will take the meat from me! The meat I have brought for Mark." She grew rigid in her tracks.