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Layton; the priest's shocking familiarity with the more revolting forms of sin, as well as his under-breeding and brutality, made him a disagreeable character; but Ralph had very little doubt now that his judgment on the religious houses was a right one.

Then he made a silly, boorish observation which was, "I hope for your sake he will come soon." Oh, but he was ashamed of it now! The groom in the stable yonder would have had better tact. Truly, it takes a man of gentle breeding to demonstrate what under-breeding really can be. If Lorraine was shocked she did not show it.

"You know, papa, there must be deformed people in some families, just as there is consumption or insanity." "Or under-breeding, or attenuated salaries," Mr. Quayle softly murmured. "It becomes evident, my dear father, you must not expect too much of sons, or I of brothers-in-law."

Before each guest was a richly carved bowl and gourd, fruit and wine freighted also the empty hemisphere of a small nut, the purpose of which was a problem. Now, King Jarl scorned to admit the slightest degree of under-breeding in the matter of polite feeding. So nothing was a problem to him.

Lydia blushed darkly red, and then turned paler than usual, while her aunt went on. "You might do it, perhaps, and have it set down to American eccentricity or under-breeding, but I'm not going to have that. I intend you to be just as dull and diffident in society as if you were an Italian, and more than if you were English. Your voice, of course, is a difficulty.

Faults and drawbacks it has enough and to spare; conspicuous among which may be named the vulgar and disgusting "negrophobia," a mark of under-breeding which one hopes may not disgrace us always. But let us be carried away by no mania for self-criticism. Two claims for ourselves may be made.

"Yes," she said, at last. "Dorothea, you can send Caesar with a note." "Oh, thank you, Grandmamma!" cried I. Grandmamma looked at me, and gave an odd little laugh. "These fresh girls!" she said, "how they do care about things, to be sure!" "Grandmamma, is it pleasanter not to care about things?" said I. "It is better, my dear. To be at all warm or enthusiastic betrays under-breeding."