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Conflagration to be quenched; and your buckets all in hideous leakage, like buckets of the Danaides: your one course is, ply them, pour with them, such as they are. Mauduit points out farther the enormous fortunes realized by a swindling set of Army-Furnishers, Hebrews mainly, and unbeautiful to look on.

Very likely he would be subjected to the agony of an encore, and he knew, beyond all doubt, that he would never be permitted to forget the figure he should cut; for Happy Jack knew he was as unbeautiful as a hippopotamus and as awkward.

Inform their minds, refine their habits, and you form and refine their designs; but keep them illiterate, uncomfortable, and in the midst of unbeautiful things, and whatever they do will still be spurious, vulgar, and valueless. I repeat, that I do not ask you nor wish you to build a new Pisa for them.

A former associate of the unbeautiful man in invidious temper brought the news one day to the king, that there was an old woman in his domain that was uglier than the lowly-born man who by kingly favor held so high a place. "Bring her to the court. Judges shall be called to decide. If she is uglier she shall stay and he shall go," was the royal mandate.

He rather admires the harmony and beauty of the whole, though he may know that there are within the scene before him imperfect, unbeautiful and unwholesome things. Such is the feeling of the patriot of well-balanced mind, when he contemplates the Union and the Constitution as they are.

It was a real American town, and it looked like a good business town, because there could be no possible reason for people building a town on that particular situation unless it was for business. The town was built on a flat space, and the country was flat on all sides of it. It was on no river, brook, or creek. It was as unbeautiful in location as it was in architecture.

If I should meet with it in a collection I should know it again; only, in that case it would look plain and homely to me this little bird that for a time made all others seem unbeautiful.

But briefly, in order to come to this story, I must have a side talk with the Woman-who-goes-hunting-with-her-husband. Those not interested please omit the next chapter. Is it really so that most women say no to camp life because they are afraid of being uncomfortable and looking unbeautiful?

In the grace, and agreeableness too, with which Hawthorne manages to surround this ungifted spinster, we find a unit of measure for the beauty with which he has invested the more frightful and tragic elements of the story. It is this triumph of beauty without destroying the unbeautiful, that gives the romance its peculiar artistic virtue.

None are out of place where Nature placed them, nor unbeautiful; none are unlovable, since their various qualities the rage of the one and the gentleness of the other are but harmonious lights and shades in the ever-changing living picture that is so perfect.