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A cross between an orgy scene in the movies and some low form of pond life. I suppose you were out on the tiles last night?" "I attended a social function, yes," I said coldly. "Pongo Twistleton's birthday party. I couldn't let Pongo down. Noblesse oblige." "Well, get up and dress." I felt I could not have heard her aright. "Get up and dress?" "Yes."

A deep sip or two, and I felt I won't say restored, because a birthday party like Pongo Twistleton's isn't a thing you get restored after with a mere mouthful of tea, but sufficiently the old Bertram to be able to bend the mind on this awful thing which had come upon me. And the more I bent same, the less could I grasp the trend of the scenario. "What is this, Aunt Dahlia?" I inquired.

"Well, I certainly can't go at once. I've an important conference on at the Drones tonight. Pongo Twistleton's birthday party, you remember." "Yes, sir." There was a slight pause. We were both recalling the little unpleasantness that had arisen. I felt obliged to allude to it. "You're all wrong about that mess jacket, Jeeves." "These things are matters of opinion, sir."

I anticipate a great popular success for this jacket. It is my intention to spring it on the public tomorrow at Pongo Twistleton's birthday party, where I confidently expect it to be one long scream from start to finish. No argument, Jeeves. No discussion. Whatever fantastic objection you may have taken to it, I wear this jacket." "Very good, sir." He went on with his unpacking.

So far from this being true, an increase, in Mr. Twistleton's opinion, might show "severe distress," inasmuch as when times begin to grow hard, deposits would increase for the following reasons: 1. People in employment, who were thoughtless before and did not deposit, would begin to be depositors in bad times. People in employment, who were depositors before, would increase their deposits.