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Well, things went on in this uncomfortable way, master still in the mopes, missis tempted by the deamons of jellosy and curosity; until a singlar axident brought to light all the goings on of Mr. Altamont. Master said, as he was mixing his fifth tumler of punch and little Shum his twelfth or so master said, "I see you twice in the City to-day, Mr. Shum." "Well, that's curous!" says Shum.

Master looked angrier and angrier, and his wife only pressed him wuss and wuss. This was, as I said, little Shum's twelfth tumler; and I knew pritty well that he could git very little further; for, as reglar as the thirteenth came, Shum was drunk. The thirteenth did come, and its consquinzes. I was obliged to leed him home to John Street, where I left him in the hangry arms of Mrs. Shum.

"Damn you!" half-shrieked, half-panted Mr Cupples in his night-shirt, at Alec's elbow, still under the influence of the same spirit he had banned on its way to Alec Forbes's empty house "damn you, bantam! ye've broken my father's tumler. De'il tak' ye for a vaigabon'! I've a guid min' to thraw the neck o' ye!"

I was only jist remarkin' that we haena sic a fa' o' rain ilka day, an' we sud jist haud the day in min', pay 't respec' like, keep it wi' a tumler, ye ken cummummerate it, as they ca' 't.

"Weel, jist sit doon there, and carry on frae whaur ye loot sit. Syne efter the three o'clock lecture wha is't ye're atten'in' this session? we'll gang doon to Luckie Cumstie's, and hae a moufu' o' denner she 'll do her best for me an' I'll hae jist a tumler o' toddy but de'il a drap sall ye hae, bantam and de'il a word will I say to ye there.