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There was something in the young fellow's face that spoke of more than a qualm of nervousness. It was a pitiful terror that met Trevannion's eyes the pleading terror of a dumb, helpless animal before a human tormentor. For a moment the engineer stood irresolute.

For some subsequent seconds the boy clutched the rope and Trevannion's lifeless body in an agony of terror and doubt. Then he started to climb up. The process proved exceedingly laborious, for the hemp was thin and damp, and it was difficult to obtain a grip.

Two men, engaged in mixing cement a few yards distant, had laid down their spades, and, having heard Trevannion's invitation to cross the beam, were looking at "the new bloke" in mild wonder as to why he hesitated. A third was slowly trundling a wheelbarrow full of sand towards them. Trevannion took in these details in a flash and realised their significance.

"Coward," finished Garstin quietly. "No-o, that's not exactly the word," said Trevannion lamely, and waited for explanation or extenuation. But none came. It was as if the boy was quite aware of the cowardice, and did not wish his companion to consider it anything else. Trevannion's mind marvelled at the seeming abasement.

He was still more surprised when the other proceeded to prove by figures that that answer was incontestably incorrect. This was the beginning. Garstin quickly found more questions to put on other points, more criticisms of Trevannion's replies. The latter at first made desperate efforts to crush him by assuming the calm superiority of the older hand.

Hardly had they scrambled on to the wharf when Trevannion's ganger came up. "'Morning, sir. Can I speak to you a moment? There has been trouble between O'Donnell and Peters. O'Donnell was drunk leastways so Peters says. Any'ow they got fighting and mauled each other pretty severe; in fact Peters is in hospital. Thought you'd better hear of it, sir." "Quite right," said Trevannion judicially.