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"I go to ze wall, ant will leap down, pot zere is vater pelow, ant I will not spoil my last tressing, so I go to ze gate. "Ze sentry go up and town wis one gon, ant look at me. 'Who goes zere? ant I was silent. 'Who goes zere ze second time? ant I was silent. 'Who goes zere ze third time? ant I ron away, I sprang in ze vater, climp op to ze oser site, ant walk on.

At five o'clock one of our companions in misfortune was released from her sufferings. Mrs. Kear, after a most dis- tressing illness, through which her young companion tended her with the most devoted care, has breathed her last. A few deep sighs and all was over, and I doubt whether the sufferer was ever conscious of the peril of her situation. The night passed on without further incident.

My tressing is dirty because I fell in ze mud on ze roat. "'You tell me ontruse, young man, says he. 'Ze roat is kvite dry now. I was silent. 'Tell me ze whole truse, goes on ze goot man 'who you are, ant vere you go to? I like your face, ant ven you is one honest man, so I will help you. Ant I tell all. "'Goot, young man! he says.

Madame would be served. And so the toilet proceeded. It was not very long before some one called. There was a knock at the door of the bedroom. Clémentine left the Countess's hair, which she was busy combing and tressing, and went to the door. It was old Vladimir, Margaret's faithful Russian servant. "At this hour!" exclaimed the Countess, who was not in the best of tempers. "What does he want?"

The skull-caps of plaited and blackened palm leaf, though common in the interior, are here rare; an imitation is produced by tressing the hair longitudinally from occiput to sinciput, making the head a system of ridges, divided by scalp-lines, and a fan-shaped tuft of scarlet-stained palm frond surmounts the poll. I noticed a fashion of crinal decoration quite new to me.

"Och! she 'll trest him herself." said Duncan, still jealous of the women who had nursed the child. "But no aye?" suggested Miss Horn. "Mistress Partan will pe toing a coot teal of tressing him, sometimes. Mistress Partan is a coot 'oman when she 'll pe coot fery coot when she 'll be coot." Here Malcolm entered, and Miss Horn told him what she had seen of the laird, and gathered concerning him.