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The operator then gave a history of over 178 trepanations after the Elliot method and compares them with the procedure of Lagrange. He concludes that the Elliot trephining operation is less dangerous, is more likely to be followed by the development of a cystic scar, and leads to loss of the eye in only 2.4 per cent of the eyes operated on.

No society so primitive without some evidence of the existence of a healing art, which grew with its growth, and became part of the fabric of its organization. With primitive medicine, as such, I cannot deal, but I must refer to the oldest existing evidence of a very extraordinary practice, that of trephining.

"Now," said the doctor calmly, when Shock and he had been left alone, "I hope there will be no more interruption. We must proceed with the trephining. Ah, beautiful, beautiful!" his quick moving, deft fingers keeping pace with his monologue. "There now," after a few minutes' work with the trephine, "the depression is lifted. We shall soon be finished."

II. On Osteomyelitis. Single observation. I have but one observation relating to this severe disease, and in this Dr. Lannelongue took the initiative. The monograph on osteomyelitis published by this learned practitioner is well known, with his suggestion of the possibility of a cure by trephining the bone and the use of antiseptic washes and dressings.

And with a look at Shock he left the room. After speaking a few words of comfort and hope to the mother Shock followed the doctor from the house. "It is a case for trephining, I fear," said the doctor. "A clear case. It is the only chance he has, and it ought to be done at once." "You mean to-day?" asked Shock. "Yes, to-day. But " The doctor hesitated. "I am not ready."

A careful examination of each tooth together with radiograms of the entire maxilla are absolutely essential to determine their presence or absence. Trephining for Glaucoma London, England. Mr. President and Members of The Chicago Ophthalmological Society: As the hour is late I propose to take up only the principal points in connection with my subject and to deal with each one shortly.

It is, moreover, much safer than any other operation I know of, and is no less certain in its results. I do not advise trephining in the secondary glaucoma following intumescent cataract, for in such cases the semi-fluid lens bulges into and blocks the trephine hole.

In this paper I shall say a few words about the large number of operative procedures that, apart from trephining, or, preferably, trepanation, have been urged in the treatment of the various forms of glaucoma.

This insures establishing our fistula in the most anterior position possible, and, therefore, as far away as possible from the ciliary body and the angle of the chamber. Third: The difficulties of the operation. Far too much stress has been laid on these. Trephining is an operation which can be performed by any surgeon who is used to ophthalmic manipulations, and who has good sight.

I have seen even in America not a few people blind in both eyes who might have retained the sight of the second eye had the surgeon advised a double sclerectomy when he first saw the case, despite the fact that the second eye was then to all appearances non-glaucomatous. Dr. Robert Henry Elliot's Paper on Trephining for Glaucoma Discussion, Minneapolis.