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Now she thought how glorious her Frederic would have been as Lord Hampstead, and how infinitely better it would have been, how infinitely better it would be, for all the Traffords, for all the nobles of England, and for the country at large! But in thinking this she knew that she was a sinner, and she endeavoured to crush the sin. Was it not tantamount to wishing that her husband's son was dead?

She had not known of the relationship between Hall Vincent and the Traffords; and on a memorable afternoon he told her the full story of the married life and the final disaster, as Hall had told it to him." Sir Duke sprang to his feet. "You mean, Just, that " "I mean that Emily Dorset was the sister of Hall Vincent's wife." Sir Duke's brown fingers clasped and unclasped nervously.

The Traffords say he is one of the very best civil engineers in the country, and Yorkburg doesn't at all understand how fortunate it is to have his men resurvey the town and get things in shape for the curbing and paving, and planting of trees. I am so glad he was willing to let them do it. I think it was very nice in him." No answer. John's eyes were straight ahead.

If that cannot be, the rest of it must provide for itself. There are others who can look after the Traffords, and who will do so whether it be necessary or not. To have gone a little out of the beaten path, to have escaped some of the traditional absurdities, would have been something to me. To have let the world see how noble a Countess I could find for it that would have satisfied me.

"And then I'm no scholar," said the girl, "and never could take to learning. And those Traffords had so many schools." "Learning is better than house and land," said Mrs Carey; "though I'm no scholar myself; but then, in my time, things was different. But young persons " "Yes," said Mick; "I don't think I could get through the day, if it wurno' for our Institute."

She had not known of the relationship between Hall Vincent and the Traffords; and on a memorable afternoon he told her the full story of the married life and the final disaster, as Hall had told it to him." Sir Duke sprang to his feet. "You mean, Just, that " "I mean that Emily Dorset was the sister of Hall Vincent's wife." Sir Duke's brown fingers clasped and unclasped nervously.

"Somebody made one of his ancestors that ever so many hundred years ago, when the Traffords were ; well, I don't know what the Traffords were doing then; fighting somewhere, I suppose, for whatever they could get. He means to take the title, I suppose?" "He says not, my lord." "He should do so." "I think so too, Lord Hampstead.

Think of the blood of the Traffords, of the blood of the Mountressors, of the blood of the Hautevilles; think of your own blood, which is now to be connected with theirs, and that all this is to be defiled because this man chooses to bring about a disreputable, disgusting marriage with the expressed purpose of degrading us all." "I beg your pardon, Lady Kingsbury; I shall be in no way degraded."

"Yes; he made great sacrifices," she continued earnestly; "great sacrifices, and I am proud of them. Our home, which was a happy home, is gone; he has quitted the Traffords to whom we were knit by many, many ties," and her voice faltered "and for whom, I know well he would have perilled his life. And now we are parted," said Sybil, with a sigh, "perhaps for ever.

Something certainly would happen. It would turn out that they were not truly the legitimate children of a real Marchioness. Some beautiful scheme of romance would discover itself to save her and her darlings, and all the Traffords and all the Montressors from the terrible abomination with which they were threatened by these interlopers.