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"Well, it comes to this, that we want all to share and share alike. Isn't that it, Top?" Jack tweaked the defiant tuft as he put the question, and Toppin laughed up at him and nodded. The most unfortunate effect of the whole incident was the bitterness which it revived in the day-scholars. It had almost seemed as if time was breaking down the wall of enmity which was so strong at the beginning.

Drew’s bare and painfully acquired competence with the rope was paired to the Texan’s range training, while Anse’s cruder and faster methods of "toppin’ a wild one" were smoothed by Drew’s more patient gentling process.

I've only just happened. What's worth seeing?" "First and last all the way, Carminetta. It's a dream. Wonderful. By Gad, I don't know how that girl does it! Then I'd try Zigzag oh! and go to You Never Know, You Know, at the Cri. Absolutely toppin'. A perfect scream all through. The thing at Daly's' good too; but all the shows are good, though, I reckon.

If we can work together, we can eat together; and because you have been a slave is all the more reason I should be good to you now." If Hepsey had been surprised by the new girl's protest against being made a boot-jack of, she was still more surprised at this sudden kindness, for she had set Christie down in her own mind as "one ob dem toppin' smart ones dat don't stay long nowheres."

Jack knew well enough that this was not what he wanted to talk about, but he walked away from the bath with him, still pleasantly discussing starts and times, till they found themselves alone on the stone stairs. Then Armitage came to a stand-still, and his tone changed. "Brady, I want to speak to you; I want to explain, you know, about Toppin." "Oh, I saw you push!" remarked Jack bluntly.

From one of the archways here one might see in the mind's eye Mme. de Pompadour come out with a hawk on her wrist, or even Henri de Navarre with his gentlemen-at-arms, all their plumes alight in the sun as they mounted their horses for a morning's boar-hunt. It was surprising at first when a young British officer came out and said, "Toppin' morning," or, "Any news from the Dardanelles?"

"I reckon so. When we topped out an' I went to help her down, she wuz right smart riled." "Say she wuz goin' to report you to the President of these here United States?" "Don't know about that. She gimme a cut across the face with her bridle reins." Another pause. "'Twas real aggravatin'." Personally, I marveled at his calm. "What made you late in toppin' out?" Ed asked in his turn.