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Scattered references to emotional shock acting as a possible exciting cause of tics, as at times of obsessions, can be found in the literature. Dupre has made such reference. Meige and. Feindel themselves make the statement that "Fear may elicit a movement of defense, to persist as a tic after the exciting cause has vanished."

In the case of the tics, therefore, it is as if the various tic movements are being used in reaction to or in adaptation to sources of internal or external, physical or mental irritation, for the protection, defense or self-preservation of this or that particular part of the nervous system as if the movements which we find in the tics and which are the expressions of certain engrams, neurograms, mnemes or organic memories, are existing in and for themselves, except that, in the tics, they are reacting with and for the psychophysical organism, the organic make-up or personality.

He has a keen sense of the significance of psychiatric knowledge in a proper understanding of the various results of trauma, and lays special stress upon the breadth of the psychiatric field, under which he properly enough includes the various so-called psychoneuroses as well as epilepsy, tics and aphasia.

She seemed to have just thrown off a miserable burden; and, as for any grief any sign of regret at leaving home and tics from which she would not willingly part there was not the slightest appearance of any such feeling in her mind, look, or manner.

And since our habits are but the prolongations of our instincts, the latter also would be included within the purview of the same generalization. In other words, if all tics have a sexual meaning, then all instincts, which means the vital energy of man, has the same meaning. This question I have discussed in another place and cannot enter upon here.

And finally, highest of all, we must place our conduct as shown in written or printed language. This is a brief outline of our evolutionary and developmental ascent and of the increasing complexity and refinement of our social conduct. Tics. Interstate Medical Journal, January and February, 1915. In our motor adaptations we respond in one or more of these ways.

Excessive smoking may cause "nervousness" but as a matter of fact it is more often a means by which the excessively nervous try to relieve themselves. Of course it is not good therapeutics under such conditions, but I believe that in moderation smoking does no harm and is an innocent pleasure. Some of the pathological motor habits, such as the tics, often have a curious background.

And this leads us to the further conclusion and it is this point which I desire to bring out in this connection namely, that since the difference between the mental infantilism in all of these conditions is relative, being one of degree and of proportionate relationship or at any rate of genesis, evolution and meaning, it naturally follows that what is in the conclusions of Clark, as mentioned above, asserted to be an absolute and basic principle or truth applicable to the tics, must consequently be true, but in different degree, of all the other conditions of a similar or allied nature.

And so they voyaged to Albion and to several ports in Gaul; and there was no lee-way in their love, but still the tics were getting tauter, evidencing strong probabilities of a life cruise together.

Myrvin, in a tone of animated fervour, and turning her glistening eyes on her mother, she added, "My own mother, marriage may bring with it new tics, new joys, but, oh, who can say it severs the first bright links of life between a mother and a child? it is now, only now, I feel how much you loved me."