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"You see," he said, with a significant raising of the eyebrows. In the light of the lantern I read, with a thrill of horror, "The sign of the four." "In God's name, what does it all mean?" I asked. "It means murder," said he, stooping over the dead man. "Ah, I expected it. Look here!" He pointed to what looked like a long, dark thorn stuck in the skin just above the ear.

I chose the latter, and there browsed upon "Emaux et Camees" and the "Fleurs du Mal" which happened, as was meet and proper, to lie beside each other. Strange reading, at this distance of time. These, I thought these are the things which used to give us something of a thrill.

He knew by her ducal diadem, by the baudekin colours of her robe, by her unmistakable air of pride, his daughter Isabel. He did not distinguish the expression of her countenance, but an ominous thrill passed through his heart; for the attitude itself had an expression, and not that of a sister's sympathy and love.

Harley was always a good writer, but now as he wrote he saw every word burning before him, so intense were his feelings, and even across the United States he communicated the same thrill to those who read.

Every one had seen what had happened; a thrill of fear and apprehension passed over them all like a cold breath. They were silent, struck dumb, feeling the presence of death close by. Suddenly a long flash of yellow upon the bridge made a momentary streak on the darkness, and there was the report of a gun.

The very name of this then mysterious region used to thrill me with romance. How I longed to explore its heights which, after all, turned out not to be so very high and to plunge into its seaward hollows. How I girded at the vapor that almost continually shrouded it.

I am not cold, although frequently acused of it, Beneath my fridgid Exterior beats a warm heart. I intend to be honest in this dairy, and so I admit it. But, except for passing Fansies one being, alas, for a married man I remain without the Divine Passion. What must it be to thrill at the aproach of the loved Form?

She seemed to hear a faint ring of amusement in the slowly-uttered question. "You are very strong," she said almost involuntarily. "Yes," he agreed quietly, and there suddenly ran a curious thrill through her a feeling that she and he had once been kindred spirits together in another world.

It was enthusiasm, admiration, affection, and also, I believe, a sudden regret that he had not always appealed to that part of my nature to which he was appealing now. It was a little thrill of penitence. Enough of it. "I think it great of you," I said, and at first that was all. How he laughed at me. He had had his innings; there was no better way of getting out.

Cloud a plunge which sent a thrill of horror through the land.