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Finally he could make out individual specks that whirled and danced with faintly buzzing wings and long, thread-like, dangling legs. The craneflies were keeping their yearly vigil, veiling the inner chamber from the profane glances of the outer world. An instant later a monstrous form charged out of the darkened interior scattering the madly gyrating insects like chaff before a wind.

Some multiply by fission, others by sporulation. Some forms are motile, others are non-motile. Tuberculosis, tetanus, anthrax, and many other surgical diseases are due to different forms of bacilli. Spirilla are long, slender, thread-like cells, more or less spiral or wavy. Some move by a screw-like contraction of the protoplasm, some by flagellæ.

External antennae long, longer than twice the breadth of the carapace, inserted in a sinus behind the eye, the basal portion formed of three joints, the first projecting beyond the sides of the carapace, the second wider and longer than the first, third short and thick at the end; the terminal part of antennae long, thread-like, and formed of very numerous articulations; the eyes large, and with a short pedicel.

I admired the hedge-rows, I plucked the faint- hued heather, and I was for ever stopping to say how charming I thought the thread-like footpaths across the fields, which wandered in a diagonal of finer grain from one smooth stile to another.

Following the canyon wall with her eyes as though in her mind she walked the thread-like path from Oak Knoll to the fire-break a mile from the reservoir; her gaze then traced the crest of the Galenas, resting finally upon that clump of pines high up on the point that was so clearly marked against the sky. Once, she laid aside her rod, and slipped the creel from her shoulder.

This answered his purpose just as well and rendered the making of large baskets the work of a few hours. He found, however, that the willow rods or osiers were not pliant enough to work well in fastening his coils of grass cables together. He tried several things and at last succeeded best when he used the long thread-like fibre of the century-like plant.

The answer was at her hand, a thread-like return of her clasp. 'It is Emmy come to stay with you, never to leave you. The thin still answer was at her hand a moment; the fingers fell away. A deep breath was taken twice to say: 'Don't talk to me. Emma retained the hand. She was warned not to press it by the deadness following its effort to reply. But Tony lived; she had given proof of life.

"And so am I," answered the man, earnestly. Leisurely, they followed the trail that is hung narrow thread-like path high upon the mountain wall, invisible from the floor of the canyon below.

The larva of one such deceptive insect, observed in Nicaragua by sharp-eyed Mr. Belt, appeared at first sight like a mere fragment of the moss on which it rested, its body being all prolonged into little thread-like green filaments, precisely imitating the foliage around it.

The starlings, too, would gobble down the elder-berries, and sometimes the greenfinches used to go to see how the radish seeds were getting on, and taking tight hold of the thread-like shoots, pull them out of the ground, and leave them upon the top of the bed, fast asleep, for they never grew any more.