United States or Jersey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A bridge of fifty-one arches, traversing a series of swampy ground and etangs, connects this promontory with terra-firma, and crosses the great Languedoc canal, which communicates at this spot with the sea.

We soon stood upon terra-firma, if these translucent rocks could be called terra-firma which rose in glittering and polished peaks all around us. They were wonderfully iridescent, so that no bed of gorgeously-colored flowers could have filled the eye with a greater variety of tints.

Land ho! echoed the merry little boys. And this was America! this New-York! How very odd and strange everything was! How anxious the people all looked! How slender! how pale! and what a hurry they all seemed to be in! How they jostled about, as if they were afraid they shouldn't get their share of terra-firma!

By dint of much exertion and more splashing, he presently ranged alongside in answer to my hail. "Wo't a haccident then?" he inquired. "Something of the sort," I nodded. "Will you be so kind as to tow us to the bank yonder?" "Hanythink to hoblige!" he grinned, and having made fast the painter, proceeded to splash us to terra-firma.

For chat man must; and by our immortal Bill of Rights, that guarantees to us liberty of speech, chat we Yankees will, whether on board a frigate, or on board our own terra-firma plantations. In men-of-war, the Galley, or Cookery, on the gun-deck, is the grand centre of gossip and news among the sailors. Here crowds assemble to chat away the half-hour elapsing after every meal.

He seemed to analyze the half-maritime character of the crew and passengers, at a glance, and to feel that sort of superiority over his companions, which men of his profession were then a little too wont to entertain towards those whose ambition could be bounded by terra-firma.

The material part does not contain the impress of the whole soul, any more than the impress of the foot is the impress of the whole body; the aviation-ground is not the sphere of action proper to the aeroplane, but it is the part of terra-firma necessary for flight, and it is also the resting-place, the refuge, the hangar to which the aeroplane must always return.

I grew all manner of hardy nymphæa and aquatics for years, until my big tanks sprung a leak. Having learned by that time the ABC, at least, of terra-firma gardening, I did not trouble to have them mended.

Thence, too, they preyed upon the Spanish ships which sailed from the coast of Cartagena to Porto Bello, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the larger Antilles, and were a constant menace to the great treasure galleons of the Terra-Firma fleet.

To reach our cubicles there was but a single staircase, which led past this room allotted to the soldiers a fact which left an unsatisfactory impression on my mind, for it was apparent that, were the convent aimed at, to reach terra-firma we should have to go straight in the direction of shells or bullets.