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After all, I liked you from the first moment I saw you, and asked the teraph about you, and I got an answer such an answer! You shall know it some day. At all events, it set the poor old soft-hearted Jewess on throwing away her money. Did you ever guess from whom your monthly gold piece came? Philammon started, and Miriam burst into loud, shrill laughter. 'From Hypatia, I'll warrant!

He heard her pass slowly through the outer room, learn from the girls who was within, order them out of the apartments, close the outer door upon them; at last she entered, and said quietly 'Welcome! I have expected you. You could not surprise old Miriam. The teraph told me last night that you would be here....

Herbert states that Attila is represented on an old medallion with a teraph, or a head, on his breast; and the same writer adds: "We know, from the Hamartigenea of Prudentius, that Nimrod, with a snaky-haired head, was the object of adoration of the heretical followers of Marcion; and the same head was the palladium set up by Antiochus Epiphanes over the gates of Antioch, though it has been called the visage of Charon.

She raised herself on her elbow, and tears gushed over her cheeks, as, twining her fingers around his, she looked all the intense loving appeal that words could never have expressed. Just then his stony Teraph Duty smiled very benignantly at the aching heart he laid upon her dreary cold altar. "Don't tempt me to look back after putting my hand to the plough.

'Escape me? She laughed, pointing to the teraph 'Me, who, if you fled beyond Kaf, or dived to the depths of the ocean, could make these dead lips confess where you were, and command demons to bear you back to me upon their wings! Escape me! Better to obey me, and see your sister. Philammon shuddered, and submitted.

Stay I will go and consult the teraph; it may know where he is.... And she departed to her incantations; while Hypatia threw herself upon her bed at home, and filled the chamber with a long, low wailing, as of a child in pain, until the dreary dawn broke on her shame and her despair.

And thus the Big Doctor had a double triumph. There came a fumbling tap on the door, it opened a little, and Hannah's head came twisting round it. "Docthor!" spoke the head, like a Teraph, "the Misthress says to have ye come in. The supper's ready, and the priest is in it." This remarkable statement was accepted by the Doctor with composure, as expressing the fact that Father Greer had arrived.

To an almost womanly tenderness and susceptibility regarding the sufferings of his fellow-creatures, he united an inflexible adherence to the dictates of justice and the rigorous promptings of conscience; and while devoutly yielding allegiance solely to the Triune God, to whose service he had reverently dedicated his young life, there were times when in almost ascetic self-abnegation he unconsciously bowed down to that stem-lipped, stony Teraph who, under the name of "Duty," sat a cowled and shrouded idol in the secret oratory of his unselfish heart.