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Leapfrogging Transition Technology and Post Communism Contracting for Transition Women in Transition The Kleptocracies of the East The Washington Consensus I. The IMF The implosion of communism was often presented not least by Francis Fukuyama in his celebrated "The end of History" as the incontrovertible victory of economic liberalism over Marxism.

American industry and agriculture are making increasing use of radioisotopes to improve manufacturing, testing, and crop-raising. Atomic energy has improved the ability of the healing professions to combat disease, and holds promise for an eventual increase in man's life span. Education, science, technology and balanced programs of every kind-these are the roadways to progress.

That means we must close the digital divide between those who have these tools and those who don't. Connecting classrooms and libraries to the Internet is crucial, but it's just a start. My budget ensures that all new teachers are trained to teach 21st Century skills and creates technology centers in 1,000 communities to serve adults.

"Sure, it's pretty clean and beautifully designed for art and utility but it isn't civilization. You're confusing technology with culture. You look at this and say, 'What a great civilization man has built, when you really mean, 'What a great technology mankind has developed. There's all the difference in the world. Technology is of the mind and hands.

Digital photography offered for the first time the possibility of recording text concealed by early repairs, and a less expensive and safer way of recording readings under special light conditions. It also offers the prospect of using image enhancement technology to settle doubtful readings in the text.

Technology, in the form of "zero CEP" weapons, may provide the seemingly contradictory capability of systems that are both precise and have the net consequence of imposing massive disruption, destruction, or damage. This damage goes beyond the loss of power grids and other easily identifiable industrial targeting sets.

He couldn't duplicate the weapon the technology required lies so far beyond this age. These people couldn't reproduce such a thing." "True enough. On the other hand, don't belittle the ingenuity of the smiths or the native intelligence of men in any era. These tribesmen might not be able to reproduce your gun, but it would set them thinking along new lines.

The American people have already stepped up their rate of saving, assuring that the funds needed to modernize our factories and improve our technology will once again flow to business and industry. The inflationary expectations that led to a 21 1/2-percent interest prime rate and soaring mortgage rates 2 years ago are now reduced by almost half.

Historically, our superior technology and high productivity have made it possible for American workers to be the highest paid in the world by far, and yet for our goods still to compete in world markets. Now we face a new situation.

A college is not designed to train and discipline the mind, but to utilize science, and become a school of technology. Greek and Latin exercises are comparatively worthless, and even mathematics, unless they can be converted into practical use. Philosophy, as ordinarily understood, that is, metaphysics, is most idle of all, since it does not pertain to mundane wants.