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He had shot all kinds of big game except a Hun, he told another young fellow a civil engineer who stood at his left and whose name was Jim Brown. A youth on crutches, passing along the deck behind them, lingered, listening to the conversation, slightly amused at Stent’s game list and his further ambition to bag a Boche.

But it did not endure; everything concerning earth and heaven and life and death had so far remained unsaid between these two. And never would be said. Both understood that, perhaps. Then Von Glahn’s sidelong and preoccupied glance fell on Stent’s field glasses slung short around his neck. His rigid smile died out.

And, in turn, becoming sponsor, he presented his stocky companion as Dr. von Dresslin; and the ceremony instantly stiffened to a more rigid etiquette. Then, in his always gentle, graceful way, Von Glahn rested his hand lightly on Stent’s shoulder: "You made us jump you two Americans as though you had been British.

His expression became vacantly good humoured; but his brain was working like lightning. Stent’s firm hand encountered Von Glahn’s and held it in questioning astonishment. Looking him in the eyes he said slowly: "Siurd, it is good to see you again. It is amazing to meet you this way. I am glad.

Edelweiss adorned his green felt hat; a green tin box punched full of holes was slung from his broad shoulders. Brown, lowering his rifle cautiously, was already getting to his feet from the trampled bracken, when, behind him, he heard Stent’s astonished voice break forth in pedantic German: "Siurd! Is it thou then?" "Harry Stent!" returned the dark, nice-looking young fellow amiably.

Brown very quietly laid one hand on Stent’s arm. "A geier, perhaps," suggested Siurd, his eye glued to his spyglass. "No ibex?" asked Stent in a voice a little forced. "Noch nicht, mon ami. Tiens! A gemsbok high on the third peak feeding." "Accorded," grunted the Herr Professor after an interval of search; and he closed his spyglass and placed his rifle on the moss.