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"Ephraim," he exclaimed, in a jocund tone, warding off Viola with his hands, "you take my advice. Take this little spit-fire with you into the village one day...they may want a young she-wolf there." Then he pocketed the money. "Well, Ephraim," said he, "may God bless you, and grant you further luck.

He resolved at once to enter into their humor, and as the wine mounted up to his brain, he gradually found his acquaintance and politics extending to every country and political creed. "Did you know Thomas Matson of his majesty's ship Spit-Fire?" asked the lieutenant. "Tom Matson!" cried Fernando. "Indeed I did sir, and do still! and there is not a man in the British navy I am prouder of knowing."

Everyone, she said, ought to be able to manage machines, just as she could manage the lift. She seemed almost to resent the fact of Flambeau opening the lift-door for her; and that gentleman went up to his own apartments smiling with somewhat mingled feelings at the memory of such spit-fire self-dependence.

Among the official items were: 13 chests of pieces of eight, 80 lbs. of pure gold, jewels and plate, 26 ton weight of silver, and sundries unspecified. As the Spanish pilot's son looked over the rail at this astounding sight, the Englishmen called out to say that his father was no longer the pilot of the old Spit-fire but of the new Spit-silver.

Therefore I shall satirise the tribe of the cats, and their chief lord, Irusan, son of Arusan; for I know where he lives with his wife Spit-fire, and his daughter Sharp-tooth, with her brothers the Purrer and the Growler. But I shall begin with Irusan himself, for he is king, and answerable for all the cats.

Mustering up all the latent courage which she possessed, she looked up unflinchingly, as she replied: "I do not know that anyone has a right to question me upon my movements, or to assign a reason for my actions." "Indeed, my pretty little spit-fire!

There he sits, the kind-hearted, simple-minded man, every line of his honest face eloquent with good-humor and happiness, still guilty of an occasional violent onslaught upon his thighs. Viola still remains his "little spit-fire." "Now, Viola, my little spit-fire," said he. "won't you yet allow me to talk to my Nathan about you? Upon my word, the boy can't bear the suspense any longer."

G. "Your spit-fire mode of progression is well enough in theory, but it strikes me as just a little complicated and risky. I, for one, shouldn't care to emulate Elijah and shoot up to Heaven in that style." I. "If it be all right in theory, it will be all right in practice. However, instead of explosives we might employ compressed air to get the required velocity.

The Rector's corpulent agreeableness saw nothing wrong with that name. Spit-Fire! What pride it would be for him to command a boat that, faithful to such a christening, would go saucily crashing through the storms with the untamed arrogance of a Portuguese! It was the women who objected. Spit-Fire! Nonsense! Who ever heard of a fish-boat spitting fire!

"Let me go!" she screamed. "I will not accompany you. I do not believe a word you say. If you touch me, I shall defend myself." "Spit-fire, eh?" she heard Voles say. There was something of a struggle. She never knew exactly what happened.