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The tone of the quiet-looking, middle-aged man who stood before him was extremely courteous, if a trifle uncertain and nervous. "If I hadn't been lodging close by I should have been late, too, Dr. Spiller." "My name is not Spiller," said the other quickly. "I have come to explain to you that the matter concerning which you were to see Dr. Spiller this morning has been settled.

The cry goes round: 'Spiller has been taken unawares. He cannot cope with the situation." "Can't I! I'll " "What are you going to do about it?" said Mike. "All I know is, I'm going to have it. It was Simpson's last term, and Simpson's left, and I'm next on the house list, so, of course, it's my study." "But what steps," said Psmith, "are you going to take? Spiller, the man of Logic, we know.

Spiller knew some of the company and he introduced Lavinia to the leading lady, Mrs. Haughton, who was to play the mournful, weeping Monimia in Otway's dismal tragedy. But for Spiller the "star" actress would hardly have deigned to notice the girl; as it was she received Lavinia with affability marked by condescension. Mrs.

'This, said Mr Pecksniff, opening the door of an opposite parlour, 'is the little room of state, I mentioned to you. My girls have pride in it, Martin! Portrait of myself by Spiller. Bust by Spoker. The latter is considered a good likeness. I seem to recognize something about the left-hand corner of the nose, myself. Martin thought it was very like, but scarcely intellectual enough.

With the kindly aid of a guide who knows the lie of the land, I have been making a short tour of the dormitories. I have poured divers jugfuls of water over Comrade Spiller's bed, Comrade Robinson's bed, Comrade Stone's Spiller, Spiller, these are harsh words; where you pick them up I can't think not from me. Well, well, I suppose there must be an end to the pleasantest of functions.

Spiller knows what I'm a'telling you is right." Lavinia hardly knew what to say to this, and she turned to Spiller for advice. Huddy saw the look of doubt on her face, and went on with his argument. "It's this way, miss.

Spiller suggested a walk in the Mall so that he might give the novice a few practical hints. Huddy had handed Lavinia her part written out, but it did not tell her much, as everything the other characters in the play had to say was omitted and only the cues for Serina left. "Just sixteen lines you've got to learn. That won't give you much trouble. I'll show you how to say them.

But what of Spiller, the Man of Action? How do you intend to set about it? Force is useless. I was saying to Comrade Jackson before you came in, that I didn't mind betting you were an insignificant-looking little weed. And you are an insignificant-looking little weed." "We'll see what Outwood says about it." "Not an unsound scheme. By no means a scaly project.

Rich doesn't want to see how you're gowned. Mrs. Sanders will lend you a needle and thread and help you patch yourself." Lavinia would have protested but Spiller laughed away her objections, and departed with a final injunction to be in readiness when he called. When the girl was alone she looked around her new abode with interest and curiosity.

Bullock and Spiller kept their favourite parts, Hall was Baliardo; Quin, Cinthio; Ryan, Charmante; Mrs. Egleton, Mopsophil; Mrs. Bullock, Bellemante. Doggett's The Country Wake was played the same night. Ten years later, still at this theatre, on 20 October, 1731, Hall was again Baliardo and Mrs. Egleton, Mopsophil.