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Just to be with him gave you a wonderful feeling of comfort and safety. Politely thanking Miranda for getting me so quickly, he asked her if she would now go ahead of us and show us the way to Spidermonkey Island. Next, he gave orders to the porpoises to leave my old piece of the ship and push the bigger half wherever the Bird-of-Paradise should lead us.

"Spidermonkey Island," he read out slowly. Then he whistled softly beneath his breath. "Of all the extraordinary things! You've hit upon the very island where Long Arrow was last seen on earth I wonder Well, well! How very singular!" "We'll go there, Doctor, won't we?" I asked. "Of course we will. The rules of the game say we've got to." "I'm so glad it wasn't Oxenthorpe or Bristol," I said.

"I know where it was the last time I saw it," said the bird. "But whether it will be there still, I can't say." "What do you mean?" asked the Doctor. "It is always in the same place surely?" "Not by any means," said Miranda. "Why, didn't you know? Spidermonkey Island is a FLOATING island. It moves around all over the place usually somewhere near southern South America.

This was, the Doctor said, on account of the echoes which played backwards and forwards between the high walls of rock. Our guides told us that it was here, in days long gone by when the Popsipetels owned the whole of Spidermonkey Island, that the kings were crowned. The ivory chair upon the table was the throne in which they sat.

What a thrill I felt as I realized that Spidermonkey Island, the little spot in the atlas which my pencil had touched, lay at last beneath my feet! When the light increased still further we noticed that the palms and grasses of the island seemed withered and almost dead. The Doctor said that it must be on account of the cold that the island was now suffering from in its new climate.

Then they went outside and looked at the great stone we had thrown down, big as a meadow; and they walked round and round it, pointing to the break running through the middle and wondering how the trick of felling it was done. Travelers who have since visited Spidermonkey Island tell me that that huge stone slab is now one of the regular sights of the island.

"My Goodness, Tommy," said he, as he watched me carrying on some sacks of flour, "but that's a pretty boat! Where might the Doctor be going to this voyage?" "We're going to Spidermonkey Island," I said proudly. "And be you the only one the Doctor's taking along?" "Well, he has spoken of wanting to take another man," I said; "but so far he hasn't made up his mind."

A young albatross told me he had seen him on Spidermonkey Island?" "Spidermonkey Island? That's somewhere off the coast of Brazil, isn't it?" "Yes, that's it. Of course I flew there right away and asked every bird on the island and it is a big island, a hundred miles long.

Well, there's one good thing about it: I shall be able to get some Jabizri beetles." "What are Jabizri beetles?" "They are a very rare kind of beetles with peculiar habits. I want to study them. There are only three countries in the world where they are to be found. Spidermonkey Island is one of them. But even there they are very scarce."

"Where do you think you're going, ninny?" "To Spidermonkey Island!" I shouted, picking myself up and doing cart-wheels down the hall "Spidermonkey Island! Hooray! And it's a FLOATING island!" "You're going to Bedlam, I should say," snorted the housekeeper. "Look what you've done to my best china!"