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Necessarily there had to be careful study of his life and scrutiny of his writings before the head of our nation could indorse as the corner stone of the new government which succeeded Spain's misrule, the very ideas which Spain had considered a sufficient warrant for shooting their author as a traitor.

Hume, Love Affairs of Mary Queen of Scots, p. 262. Mary was aiming at a Catholic combination under Philip, with the active co-operation of Rome. Cecil and Elizabeth however had good reason from experience to count on Spain's immobility, and may very well have counted also on Darnley's imbecility.

Their dreams of erecting an English colonial and commercial empire on the ruins of Spain's were rudely shattered by James. It was to this Puritan middle class that papist and Spaniard were bywords for assassin and enemy. By his Spanish policy, as well as by his irregular methods of taxation, James had touched the Puritans in their pocketbooks.

But with all the faults and unworthiness of the later rulers, and the inane attempts of their parasites to distract attention from these failings, there remains undimmed the luster of Spain's early fame.

While these preparations were being made with Philip's usual care, Sir Francis Drake swooped down on Cadiz and burnt so much shipping and destroyed so many supplies that the voyage had to be postponed a year. This Drake called "singeing the king of Spain's beard."

You won't listen to me; you won't listen to Scott; and I'm too good an Indian not to know where I get off, or not to do what I'm told. But this is what I have been thinking of a long, long time; and this is what I feel I ought to say, here and now." The two men were sitting in de Spain's room. De Spain was staring through the broad south window at the white-capped peaks of the distant range.

And what was the record of Spain's dominion in California? Setting aside unfounded calumnies as absurd as the one which claims that Philip II passed a law sentencing to death any foreigner who set foot on Spain's dominions in the New World, relegating such lies to where they belong, Spain's rule in her New World possessions, including California was marked by humanity as well as energy.

Nor can we be unmindful of the achievements of our builders, mechanics, and artisans for their skill in the construction of our war ships. With the catastrophe of Santiago Spain's effort upon the ocean virtually ceased.

Sir Charles Cornwallis, English ambassador in Spain, lent a most favourable ear to these proposals, and James eagerly sanctioned them so soon as they were secretly imparted to that monarch. "The king here," said Cornwallis, "hath need of the King of Great Britain's arm. Our king . . . hath good occasion to use the help of the King of Spain's purse.

And she still did not know how, sufficiently, to resent the thought of such audacity on de Spain's part; but recalling all she could of his words and actions, she was forced to confess to herself that McAlpin's assertions were confirmed in them and that what McAlpin had said interpreted de Spain's unvarying attitude toward her.