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But as he saw the little Jew, who had stood by him before and who had been instrumental in getting him his job, he remembered that Solly would expect a full account of all that had happened, and the question was should he tell him of the stones he had found, or only of the salting?

"Why not make lit' fire and bu'n junk, killee allee same?" "He has me there, Herrick," said Mr Brooke. "Takee plisoner to mandalin. Mandalin man put on heavy chain, kick flow in boat, put in plison, no give to eat, and then choppee off allee head. Makee hurt gleat deal mo'. Velly solly for plisoner. Bette' make big fi' and bu'n allee now." Mr Brooke smiled and looked at me, and I laughed.

"Begin to be velly solly for poor Mis' Hellick. Pilate say, `Heah good place, make hole s'eep in. 'Nothee pilate say, `Big fool; allee wet damp; wildee beast live in hole, and allee 'tink. Come back, makee better place." It was a narrow escape, and it was long enough before my heart calmed down, left off throbbing, and I fell asleep.

"Then he goes out and heads toward the river, following his nose. In a little side street, where there was no street and no sidewalks and no houses, he finds what he is looking for. We go into a shanty and sit on high stools among stevedores and boatmen, and eat beans with tin spoons. Yes, sir, beans beans boiled with salt pork. "'I kind of thought we'd strike some over this way, says Solly.

In ten minutes in comes Lolabelle, fresh from the stage, looking stunning in the costume she wears when she steps from the ranks of the lady grenadiers and says to the king, 'Welcome to our May-day revels. And you can bet it wasn't the way she spoke the lines that got her the part. "As soon as Solly saw her he got up and walked straight out through the stage entrance into the street.

He was quite sure that he would now say nothing whatever about that big sister Solly to the others, but he was not prepared for what happened that very afternoon.

It was a scene of Babylonian profligacy even the late owner of Frank joined in the revel full-spiritedly, and it endured to a certain moment of icy realization, suffered by the host. It came when Solly Gumble, in the midst of much serving, bethought him of the blue jay. "I managed to save him for you," he told the Wilbur twin, and reached down the treasure.

"'You know, says I, 'that I wouldn't take him away from home unless his notes were good. He's got pots of money bean-pots full of it. "'Bring him around after the second act, says Lolabelle, 'and I'll examine his credentials and securities. "So about ten o'clock that evening I led Solly to Miss Delatour's dressing-room, and her maid let us in.

Old Matt, the daddy of 'em, is reported as havin' a private graveyard, scattered eround somewhar. Hit might come in handy in this emergency. In yer gaddin' around have ye ever seen enything like hit?" concluded Landy, turning to Davy. "I never did!" said the midget emphatically. "It's got more entanglements than the time Solly Monheim took the bankrupt law to escape bankruptcy.

Solly and Freddy were several years older, and considerably wiser; but the wisdom of all these five children, if it had been compounded together, would not have amounted to the wisdom of the three wise men of Gotham who went to sea in a bowl. "O, dear!" screamed Dotty. "O, dear! dear! dear!" cried Lina; "the water rolls in over the top!"