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But you ask me to be definite: will you take offence, if, upon some points which present themselves to me, I become quite definite? 'Not by any means, Mr. Gray. I am very anxious to hear everything that you have to say. 'Well, Aster, I do not admire your friend, Mr. Ham. I think he is a coarse snob; and under an exterior of brusque frankness I believe he is deceitful and cowardly.

"Don't be a snob, Allie; you won't find much furniture down below." "You take Mrs. Pennypoker and my daughter, with the gentlemen, on the upper deck, Somers," Mr. Everett was saying; "and I'll take these children in the lower, and look out for them there."

"In six months I'll be worth half a million. In a year I'll pull off the big haul I'm planning and I'll be a millionaire. We'll retire from business then just like they did. We'll build our marble palace down at Bay Ridge and our yacht will nod in the harbor. We'll spend our summers in Europe when we like and every snob and fool in New York will fall over himself to meet me.

Thackeray tried to get up a conversation with him, his final effort being the question, "Have you seen my 'Snob Papers' in 'Punch'?" To which Borrow answered: "In 'Punch'? It is a periodical I never look at." He once met Miss Agnes Strickland: "Borrow was unwilling to be introduced, but was prevailed on to submit.

In other countries of Europe, the Banking Snob is more expansive and communicative than with us, and receives all the world into his circle.

I envy you, knocking around with all sorts of people. Oh, I wish I could call Ryan 'Jack' and feel easy about it. I can't. Perhaps I've got a little of the subaltern snob some place in me." "You? You're a prince." "If you've elevated me to a princedom, the least I can do is to invite you down home for a week-end down to the San Spirito Presidio. My father's commandant there."

And there is a cabinet minister; well, we know what he is; I have been squibbing him for these two years, and now that I meet him I feel like a snob. Oh! there is an immense deal of superstition left in the world. I am glad they are going to the ladies. I am to be honoured by some conversation with the mistress of the house.

Now to hear her talk, you would imagine that that vulgar snob, whose father kept hotels and married one of his chambermaids, had conferred an honour by inviting her to dinner.

"I suppose you think you've done something smart now, don't you, getting that old snob here and fixing things all up without consulting any of your relatives?" "Really, Ellen, this has all been so sudden that I had no opportunity," said Julia gently.

I have met a Snob on a dromedary in the desert, and picnicking under the Pyramid of Cheops.