United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He was a disgrace to Stede Bonnet, said they, and never had a pirate fallen to such a low estate as this. Trimble Rogers was in no situation to rant at smug William, the linen draper.

He might, in truth, look down upon the smug majority that smiles at unusual endeavour, unless success excuses, crowns it. No one there, after all, so poor but he had one possession treasured among kings. And he had risked it. What could a man do more? "Good-bye, Muckluck." "Goo'-bye? Boat Canada way no go till Thursday." "Thursday, yes," he said absently, eyes still on the American ship.

Othello seems more poignantly emotional in the presence of the coldly intellectual Iago. In "The School for Scandal," Charles and Joseph Surface are much more effective together than either of them would be alone. The whole-hearted and happy-go-lucky recklessness of the one sets off the smooth and smug dissimulation of the other; the first gives light to the play, and the second shade.

Nunsmere was in a swarm of excitement and the alien bee had, perforce, to buzz with the rest. "The interesting thing is," said he, "that the thing has happened. That while the inhabitants of this smug village kept one dull eye on the decalogue and another on their neighbors, Romance on its rosy pinions was hovering over it. Two people have gone the right old way of man and maid.

There was Major the Reverend John Pringle, of Yukon fame, whose only son Jack was killed in action after he had walked two hundred miles to enlist. No cant, no smug psalm-singing, mourners'-bench stuff for him. He believed in his Christianity like a man; he was ready to fight for his belief like a man; he cared for us like a father, and stood beside us in the mornings as we drank our stimulant.

The man assented very civilly and said all should be done; but I noticed that his eyes wandered while I talked, and that he seemed to have something on his mind. When he returned, after disposing of them, it came out. 'Did you ever happen to see him, sir? he asked with a sigh; yet was there a smug air of pleasure mingled with his melancholy.

Surely he had not always been like this, a smug and well-clad Pharisee, afraid to look at the truth. In those early days, when they had been friends, with the possibility of being a good deal more, there had been an impetuous touch of ardor she could no longer find. Her cool glance ran down his figure.

But each step had drained his resolution, until he'd finally covered his face and slunk off, knowing himself for what the world had branded him. He stood there now, staring at the smug young medical politicians and the tired old general practitioners filing in and out. One of the latter halted, fumbled in his pocket and drew out a quarter. "Merry Christmas!" he said dully.

Verver while the particular importance that dispenses with chatter was diffused by his movements themselves, his repeated act of passage between a featureless mahogany meuble and a table so virtuously disinterested as to look fairly smug under a cotton cloth of faded maroon and indigo, all redolent of patriarchal teas.

"You ask a plain question, Froeken," he said sweetly, "and I should be loth not to give you a plain answer. That way-that glorious way of salvation for you is through me!" And his countenance shone with smug self-satisfaction as he spoke, and he repeated softly, "Yes, yes; that way is through me!" She moved with a slight gesture of impatience.