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"Now, we will roast the chestnuts," spoke Jacko, and he put several pawsful on the hot coals. "And when will they be roasted?" asked Curly. "Soon," answered the monkey. "We will have a game of tag while we are waiting." And, all of a sudden, as they were playing tag, out from under a big flat stone, came the bad skillery-scalery alligator, with a tin horn on his back. Oh! but he was a bad fellow!

No answer came from the bunny uncle. "Why, this is strange," said Nurse Jane to herself. "I wonder if anything can have happened to him? Did he have an adventure in the night? Did the bad skillery-scalery alligator, with humps on its tail, carry him off?" Then she called again: "Uncle Wiggily! Uncle Wiggily! Aren't you going to get up? Come down to breakfast.

Higher and higher it went, like an elevator, taking Uncle Wiggily up with it. "Oh, now I'm safe!" cried the rabbit, for he was quite high in the air by this time. "No, you're not. I'll get you yet!" cried the alligator, as he reared up on the end of his skillery-scalery tail.

As he was going along keeping a sharp look-out for the bad fox, or the skillery-scalery alligator with the double jointed tail. Uncle Wiggily heard a voice saying: "Oh, dear! I'll never be able to get out from under the stone and grow tall as I ought. I've pushed and pushed on it, but I can't raise it. Oh, dear; what a heavy stone!" "Ha! Some one under a stone!" said Uncle Wiggily to himself.

"All right," spoke the little piggie boy, and he was just going to tell the mousie girl to look down if she wanted to, when, all at once, after the boat, with his big jaws open, and his tongue going over his teeth like a nutmeg grater, came the bad skillery-scalery old alligator, with a double hump on his tail. "Oh, my!" thought Curly Tail.

If you like, Nurse Jane, I'll take it to her." "I wish you would," spoke the muskrat lady. "I have not time myself. Just be careful of it. Don't let the bad fox or the skillery-scalery alligator with humps on his ears bite holes in it." "I won't," promised Uncle Wiggily.

And just then they heard some one else crying, a little, tiny, sobbing voice. "What's that?" exclaimed the pussy. "Perhaps it is one of the skillery-scalery alligator's children." "No, I do not think so," said the rabbit. "It sounds to me as if some one else were lost in the woods, and I may have to find their home, too. We'll take a look."

"We wouldn't have gotten it if the roof hadn't blown off our school," said Flop, "and, as long as we're here, I say let's go off in the woods and look for chestnuts." "All right," said Curly, and they were just going to leave the bungalow, when, all at once, there was a rustling in the bushes and out came no, not a bear or a wolf, or even a bad skillery-scalery alligator, this time.

"Oh, dear! what has happened," cried the bunny uncle. "I am stuck fast! I can't get away! Oh, dear!" At first he thought perhaps the skillery-scalery alligator with the humps on his tail had come softly up behind him as he slept and had him in his claws. But, by sort of looking around backward, Mr. Longears could see no one not even a fox.

Then he cried about forty-'leven bushels of tears, and a milk bottle full besides, and there was a little pond around him, and Uncle Wiggily was in it up to his neck. Then, all of a sudden, in came swimming the alligator, right toward the rabbit. "Ah, now I'll get you!" cried the skillery-scalery beast. "No you won't!" shouted the elephant, "Uncle Wiggily is my friend!"