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He had found out all he wanted to know, and now there was no time to be lost. He left the Abbey, ran back to the lodge, found his assistant, Mr. Tibbles, and despatched that gentleman to the Shorncliffe railway station, where he was to keep a sharp look out for a lame traveller in a blue cloth coat lined with brown fur.

We slept in leaky tents or in hastily constructed wooden shelters, many of which were afterward condemned by the medical inspectors. St. Martin's Plain, Shorncliffe, was an ideal camping-site for pleasant summer weather. But when the autumnal rains set in, the green pasture land became a quagmire. It was a thin, watery mud or a thick, viscous mud, as the steady downpour increased or diminished.

He had visited Maudesley Abbey several times during the lifetime of Percival Dunbar, for he had been a favourite with the old man; and he had been four years at a boarding-school kept by a clergyman of the Church of England in a fine old brick mansion on the Lisford Road. The town of Shorncliffe was therefore familiar to Mr.

At five minutes after two he alighted at the station, where he paid and dismissed the driver. This was all Mr. Carter wanted to know. "You get a fresh horse harnessed in double-quick time," he said, "and drive me to Shorncliffe station." While the horse and fly were being got ready, the detective went into the bar, and ordered a glass of steaming brandy-and-water.

It was the date of the Shorncliffe steeple-chases, and the baronet had engaged himself early in the preceding spring to ride his thorough-bred mare Guinevere, for a certain silver cup, subscribed for by the officers stationed at the Shorncliffe barracks.

But p'raps if you was to make a hoffer previous to the sale, the property might be disposed of as it stands by private contrack." "I'll see about that," answered Major Vernon. "I'll stroll over to Shorncliffe, this, morning, and look in upon Mr. Grogson Grogson, I think you said was the auctioneer's name?" "Yes, sir; Peter Grogson, and very much looked up to be is, and a warm man, folks do say.

I looked in vain for any answer. "I lost no time in fulfilling the commission intrusted to me I went down to Shorncliffe, and delivered the box of diamonds into the hands of John Lovell, the solicitor; for Lady Jocelyn was still on the Continent.

Dunbar tried in vain to distinguish any landmarks upon the way. The train by which he travelled stopped at every station; and, though the journey between Shorncliffe and Rugby was only to last an hour, it seemed almost interminable to this impatient traveller, who was eager to stand upon the deck of Messrs.

Mark wondered if he was really successful with the men at Shorncliffe. "Reverend Father, Reverend Brother, and Brethren," said Brother Dominic, "you can imagine that it is no easy matter for me to destroy with a few words a house that in a small way I had a share in building up." "The lion's share," interposed the Father Superior. "You are too generous, Reverend Father," said Brother Dominic.

Hensleigh Wedgwood, the well-known philologist, who was Charles Darwin's cousin, declares that she had once a very extraordinary experience. She was lying on a couch in an upper room one wintry morning at Shorncliffe, when she felt her Thought Body leave her and, passing through the window, alight on the snowy ground.