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"Serpolet," said I to the piqueur, "have you seen the animal?" "At a distance, Monsieur." "What is he like?" "Oh! a tremendous fellow long legs, enormous head, large tusks, and such a muzzle! he breaks through everything. A fortunate thing, Monsieur, the dogs were not with us." "Well!" said I to my father, "of course this gentleman is to have the place of honour."

Take my advice, Monsieur; never mind what the gentlemen say about waiting; don't you let him get nearer to you than five-and-twenty paces; if not, in three bounds he will be at you; and in another second you will be opened like an oyster. Take care, Monsieur!" and, wishing him success, Serpolet joined the beaters, who were waiting, all ready to advance.

"Monsieur," said Serpolet, "you don't seem used to this fun; let a graybeard and an old huntsman advise you. I have seen the animal actually seen him a terrible boar, I promise you, as black as ink, clean legs, and ears well apart, all true signs of courage. As sure as my name is Serpolet, he will make mince-meat of us sure to charge.

Here, Serpolet, forward with them, and remember, gentlemen, the word of command is 'Prudence and coolness! Off! and may your stout hearts protect you!" Then filing out from the glade where we had halted, each of us proceeded to his destination, the valiant Adolphe following Serpolet like a dog going to be drowned.

The tall thyme, the garden species in the North, had already flowered, but the common wild thyme of England, the serpolet of the French, was beginning to spread its purple over the stony ground. A great wooden cross stood upon the ridge, and hard by, buffeted by the wintry winds and blazed upon by the summer sun, was the ancient priory of Nôtre Dame de l'Oder. I ring the bell.

Others, again, have received their denomination from their forms, such as the Trefoil, because it is three-leaved; Pentaphylon, for having five leaves; Serpolet, because it creepeth along the ground; Helxine, Petast, Myrobalon, which the Arabians called Been, as if you would say an acorn, for it hath a kind of resemblance thereto, and withal is very oily.

I am not afraid, but my nerves are shaken; I am thoroughly done up with the scramble we have had through these woods; and then that rascal Serpolet, who prophesied that I shall be opened like an oyster you shall not go, for I feel sure that when this brute of a boar makes his appearance, I shall be unable to look him in the face." "My dear friend, I will do as you desire.