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To the philosophic critic, however, they must evidently be invaluable; and thus it is that in a certain self-allotted domain of literary appreciation allied to semi-scientific thought, Bourget stands to-day without a rival.

In the single hour self-allotted for my part in this occasion there is much ground to cover, the time is short, and I have far to go. Did I now, therefore, submit all I had proposed to say when I accepted your invitation, there would remain no space for preliminaries. Yet something of that character is in place. I will try to make it brief.

I should therefore have plenty of time to reach the raft and put off to a safe distance. I prepared to execute my self-allotted task not, it must be confessed, without considerable emotion. After a hearty repast, my uncle and the hunter-guide embarked on board the raft, while I remained alone upon the desolate shore.

Walter Stone was also pleased with his niece's interest in the detail of the ranch work. She was as a daughter to him. Some day the property would be hers. Fully conscious, from within herself, of her dependence upon her uncle, Louise managed to be of inestimable service. She performed her self-allotted tasks without ostentation.

"I've already postponed her visit once, and nothing short of a miracle would make Jane leave before her self-allotted fortnight is over." "Miracles are rather in my line," said Clovis. "I don't pretend to be very hopeful in this case but I'll do my best." "As long as you don't drag me into it " stipulated his mother.

The worst was past, and for the rest of the evening she moved about among the amateurs and professionals, talking, listening, observing, finding out what it meant and taking mental notes of it all. Charley Welsh constituted himself her preceptor and guardian angel, and so well did he perform the self-allotted task that when it was all over she felt fully prepared to write her article.

He never dared to serve himself at table, but waited till he received his allowance of bread from his mother's hands. She gave herself equally thin slices, and it was to the effects of this regimen that she had succumbed, in deep despair at having failed to accomplish her self-allotted task. This story made a most painful impression upon Florent's tender nature, and his sobs wellnigh choked him.

"Now, heed ye how ye draw the net." Quoth he: "I'll do some damage yet Or ere my turn to die!" THE mare that had been a present from Mahommed Gunga was brought out and saddled, together with a fresh horse for the Risaldar. The veteran had needed no summoning, for with a soldier's instinct he had wakened at the moment his self-allotted four hours had expired.