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The stewed fowl with rice is also national. As everywhere in Portugal, bacalhao, In 1498 Seb. Cabot speaks of 'great fishes which the natives call Baccalaos. He thus makes the word 'Indian; whereas Dr. Kohl, when noticing the cod-fisheries of Europe, declares that in Germany it is Backljau. Mr.

He is rarely mentioned, and no temples were dedicated to him, but he appears in the cosmic mythology. It seems, from their positions, that very possibly Seb and Nut were the primaeval gods of the aborigines of Hottentot type, before the Osiris worshippers of European type ever entered the Nile valley. +Shu+ was the god of space, who lifted up Nut from off the body of Seb.

NEFER ATUM: Human-headed, and crowned with the pschent. This god represented the nocturnal sun, or the sun lighting the lower world. Local deity of Heliopolis. THOTH: In form a man, ibis-headed, generally depicted with the pen and palette of a scribe. Was the god of the moon, and of letters. Local deity of Sesoon, or Hermopolit. SEB: The "Father of the Gods," and deity of terrestrial vegetation.

"I will not let thee enter in by me unless thou tellest my name." Deceased. "'Scale of wine' is thy name." Threshold. "I will not let thee pass over me unless thou tellest my name." Deceased. "'Ox of the god Seb' is thy name." Hasp. "I will not open unto thee unless thou tellest my name." Deceased. "'Leg-bone of his mother' is thy name." Socket-hole.

The astrologers computed that even as I had been born under the fortunate sign of Amman, so thy birth had been watched over by the rise of the awful planet Seb.

She raised up the prostrate form of him whose heart was still, she took from him of his essence, she conceived and brought forth a child, she suckled it in secret, and none knew the place thereof; and the arm of the child hath waxed strong in the great house of Seb. Isis suckling her child Horus in the papyrus swamps. 2. Thoth giving the emblem of magical protection to Isis. 3.

Sure, Jealousy has crack'd his brains. Fran. Crack me no Cracks, good Father mine; am not I a Slave in Turkey? and is not this the Grand Seignior's Palace? Car. Seb. Some that are wiser answer us: You, Son, are you infected too? was not yesterday to have been your Wedding-day? Ant. To day has done as well, Sir, I have only chang'd Isabella for Clara. Seb. How, Francisco, have you juggled with me?

The goddess Nut is sometimes represented as a female along whose body the sun travels, and sometimes as a cow; the tree sacred to her was the sycamore. Osiris was the son of Seb and Nut, the husband of Isis and the father of Horus. The history of this god is given elsewhere in this book so fully that it is only necessary to refer briefly to him.

And if the artificial co-ordinating of the gods of varied sources is thus ancient, we have a glimpse of the much greater age of the Osiride gods, and still further of the primitive gods Seb and Nut, and the earliest worship of animals.

And when the white cliffs that proved him close to Memphis came shouldering up from the northern horizon, he had forgotten the stranger in the eager, trembling anticipations that possessed him. Seb The Egyptian Chronos. On the morning of the eighteenth day, immediately after sunrise, Rachel came to the curtains over Masanath's door, and put them aside.