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The secondary beam may be dispensed with if a multiplier is not needed, and the secondary truss, t, with its standard and counterpoise, H, used alone to counteract the effect of change of level. Engineering. By CHAS. A. SCHIEREN. The old saying that "there is nothing new under the sun" may well be applied to leather link belting.

The Chairman then introduced Mr. Schieren, and in doing so said: "This is no fairy story, yet I will commence it that way. Once upon a time we of Brooklyn had a city all to ourselves.

In 1883 the Martin Luther Society was organized by such laymen as Arnold J. D. Wedemeyer, Jacob F. Miller, John H. Tietjen, Jacob A. Geissenhainer, George P. Ockerhausen, Charles A. Schieren, John H. Boschen and others, originally for the purpose of preparing a suitable celebration of the Luther Quadricentennial. In this effort they were successful.

In Brooklyn and Queens the work received large support from Charles A. Schieren and the Missionary Society with which he co-operated. Sixteen churches were established through the aid of this Society. Schieren was a native of Germany but he early saw the importance of reaching the people in the language which they could best understand. As a citizen he was public spirited and progressive.

Schieren was warmly received and spoke as follows: ADDRESS OF EX-MAYOR SCHIEREN "In the name of the Brooklyn delegation I thank you sincerely for your cordial greeting and the hearty welcome extended to us. We fully appreciate your kind hospitality. We have come here to enjoy this glorious Exposition which already has attained such a great fame.

We were proud of our city and very desirous that it should be well governed, and were careful in the selection of men to fill its highest office, and thus it came to pass that one of our most successful efforts in that direction was the choice for mayor of our city of the gentleman whom I shall now present to you, Ex-Mayor Charles A. Schieren." Mr.