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Then, as they reached the door, and Scarlett entered, Nat put on his cap, gave his knee a slap, and with one set of wrinkles disappearing from his countenance to make room for another, like a human dissolving view, he burst out into a low chuckle. "That'll knock the wind out of old Samson's sails! A miserable, cowardly, fat-headed old puddick. He wouldn't have the courage to do that." "Nat!"

Soon after Scarlett had started Lord Lucan had learned of the advance up the North valley of the great mass of Russian cavalry, which he had presently descried himself, as also its change of direction southward across the Causeway ridge; and after giving Lord Cardigan "parting instructions" which that officer construed into compulsory inactivity on his part when a great opportunity presented itself, he had galloped off at speed to overtake Scarlett and give him directions for prompt conflict with the Russian cavalry.

You has got to find her, Hetty, and you has got to say that William Scarlett will never give her up that I love her tenfold more than ever for what she thought to do for me; but ef she has promised herself ten times over to that scoundrel Dent, she must tear up them promises, and think nought of them, for she was mine first, and I refuse to part her.

"Then this must be the way to the lake, after all." They persevered, going steadily on for some time, and, with the water gradually creeping up and up till it was mid-thigh, and then higher and higher till it was almost to their hips, and then they stopped. "I shan't go any farther, Scar," cried Fred. "I don't want to have to swim." "Yes, it is getting deep," said Scarlett, thoughtfully.

"Shall we go back and fetch one?" "I'm afraid we shall have to," panted Scarlett, as he toiled and strained at the stubborn bolt. "It's of no use to try and " There was a sharp creak, the bolt gave way a little, and the rest was only a work of time, for by wriggling it up and down the rust was ground out, and at last it yielded and was drawn back.

"There," he said, "now you give me one bit o' that cake to nibble, and you may go. To get food, didn't you say, sir, just now?" "I want some for my father, Nat, but if I can have some of this?" "Take it all, my dear lad, take it all. Where is the master, sir?" Scarlett told him in as few words as possible, and Nat stared at him. "No, it's of not a bit o' good, Master Scar," he said sadly.

Scarlett Markham passed some hours by his father's side, listening to his breathing in the darkness, and from time to time taking his hand as a low moan was uttered, accompanied by a restless movement; but as the time passed on, in spite of anxiety and his own weariness and pain, an intense desire for food of some kind kept on attacking him, and each time with more force. What was he to do?

Perhaps we were wrong, and it's only a kind of well, after all." "No," said Scarlett; "they would not make a well there." "Then we got muddled over the way we went, and, perhaps, while we are looking for the entrance this side, it's over the other." "No," said Scarlett again, "I don't think that." "But if there had been a way in here from the lake, some one must have seen it before now.

"I didn't think you'd do such a thing, Scar, and " "You thought just the same," said Scarlett, quickly, "and meant to take the boat before I was up, and that's why you are here." He looked sharply at Fred, who thrust his hands in his pockets, and suddenly became interested in the movements of a bald coot, which was paddling in and out among the reeds which grew right into the lake.

The head of a great column of Russian horse, three thousand sabres, came over the crest of the hill and invited attack. Scarlett saw his opportunity, and, with true soldierly promptitude, seized it. He wheeled his squadrons into line and charged. Three went against the front, five against the right flank, one against the left.