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If the paralysis persists, the sterno-costal portion of the pectoralis major may be transplanted to the lower angle of the scapula. The long thoracic nerve may be cut across while clearing out the axilla in operating for cancer of the breast.

At last, the Roman Emperor, Claudius, sent AULUS PLAUTIUS, a skilful general, with a mighty force, to subdue the Island, and shortly afterwards arrived himself. They did little; and OSTORIUS SCAPULA, another general, came. Some of the British Chiefs of Tribes submitted. Others resolved to fight to the death.

Brandon, in an interview with our representative, made the following statements: "'The bones found are those of the left arm of a middle-aged or elderly man about five feet eight inches in height. All the bones of the arm are present, including the scapula, or shoulder-blade, and the clavicle, or collar-bone, but the three bones of the third finger are missing.

I leave these curiosities to Porson, and to G.D. whom, by the way, I found busy as a moth over some rotten archive, rummaged out of some seldom-explored press, in a nook at Oriel. With long poring, he is grown almost into a book. He stood as passive as one by the side of the old shelves. I longed to new-coat him in Russia, and assign him his place. He might have mustered for a tall Scapula.

The disorder mainly affects the ossifying junctions of the long bones of the extremities, the vertebral border of the scapula, and the cristal border of the ilium.

But as I fell in at the rear of the procession and looked back the figure of the young Cuban, who was no longer a part of the world of Santa Clara, was asleep in the wet grass, with his motionless arms still tightly bound behind him, with the scapula twisted awry across his face and the blood from his breast sinking into the soil he had tried to free. Along The Trocha

Mossy does all that and never wears a scapula! and does it nine hundred and ninety-nine times in a thousand for nothing! Is that brave, Madame Délicieuse, or is it not? And, General, what could I say?" Madame dropped her palms on either side of her spreading robes and waited pleadingly for an answer. There was no sound but the drumming of the General's fingers on his sword-hilt.

Its superior extremity forms a flattened head that fits rather imperfectly into a shallow cavity in the humeral angle of the scapula. The inferior extremity resembles a portion of a cylinder in shape, and fits into shallow depressions in the superior extremity of the principal bone of the forearm. The muscles here are divided into two regions, anterior and posterior brachial.

Because of the large humeral head articulating as it does with a glenoid cavity, scapulohumeral luxations are very rare in the horse. According to Moller , luxation is generally due to excessive flexion of the scapulohumeral joint. In such cases the head of the humerus is displaced anterior to the articular portion of the scapula and remains so fixed. Symptoms.

He has used his knife uncommonly skilfully, and you notice that each arm was taken off with the scapula attached, just as a butcher takes off a shoulder of mutton. Are there any more bones in that bag?" "No, sir," replied the labourer, wiping his hands with an air of finality on the posterior aspect of his trousers; "that's the lot."