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The Taepings still retained possession of Hangchow and some other towns in the province of Chekiang, but all communication between them and Nanking had been severed by the fall of Soochow, so far at least as the routes east of the Taiho Lake were concerned. West of that lake they still held Yesing and Liyang, which enabled them to maintain communication, although by a roundabout route.

I was nonplussed for an instant. Mr. Harrison helped me out. "I will write out your confession and you can sign it," he said. "Have you ink and paper handy?" "Yes." Mrs. Mitts brought forth the material, and we all sat down again. "Remember to give us only the plain facts," I said. "I will," she returned sharply. In a rather roundabout way she made her confession, if it could be called such.

She lived somewhere in the Dakotas for a few months, married again as soon as the judge signed the decree, and made a roundabout journey home her wedding trip." "And you would imitate this programme?" "In some respects yes. I've not thought it out in detail. Your practical mind ought to shed abundant light. If you weren't my husband, I'd retain you as my lawyer."

After going the roundabout route above described, I was back at the Lyons station at 9 p.m. in a train bound for Paris, where I arrived without further incident. I was then wearing a full beard, and as a precautionary measure I, that morning, had all shaved off save the mustache.

"Now, in the first place, the theory that a person has a right in dealing with his fellows to take advantage of his superior abilities is nothing other than a slightly more roundabout expression of the doctrine that might is right. It was precisely to prevent their doing this that the policeman stood on the corner, the judge sat on the bench, and the hangman drew his fees.

You saw him, at their bidding, take a lantern, and march with them to a shed standing off a little from the house, nearer to the shore. Going a roundabout swiftly, you came to the shed first, and posted yourself at the little window on the sea-side.

She paused over this bird-like irresponsibility and rather wondered that it should have the power to detain her. The new chapters of Regeneration had taken up the same matter and had displayed it in a somewhat different light. Abner had got hold of the idea of limited partnership and had sought to apply it, in roundabout fashion, to the matrimonial relation.

But John was not done with the subject. "I'm a bit beyond the age of it myself," he said; "but that's no reason why I shouldn't have eyes in my head. I know how much put about you are to have this young fellow gallivanting round the lady." "Jealous, you mean," I cried. "I didn't think of putting it that way." "No; it's too straightforward a way for you, ever the roundabout way for you.

When Samuel Marlowe's grandfather had convinced himself, after about a year and a half of respectful aloofness, that the emotion which he felt towards Samuel Marlowe's grandmother-to-be was love, the fashion of the period compelled him to approach the matter in a roundabout way.

"I brought you this roundabout way on purpose," she said. "Is it not what the poet would call a fair domain?" Below them was a vast flat expanse bounded opposite by a mountain chain, that rose abruptly from the level, breaking into much irregularity of surface above, but all its hollows blurred with woods. Beyond a dip rose, far in the distance, a huge crouching formidable mass St.